Latest Catholic News


Vatican congress to discuss scripture in the life of the Church; celebrate 40th anniversary of Dei Verbum

Sep 7, 2005

Later this month, Biblical scholars and Episcopal leaders from around the world will descend on Rome to explore the role... Read more


Spokane diocese, parishes appeal federal court decision

Sep 7, 2005

The Diocese of Spokane and the diocesan Association of Parishes (AOP) have filed separate appeals of a federal bankruptcy court... Read more


Quebec passes law eliminating Catholic instruction in public schools

Sep 7, 2005

School’s back in. But in Quebec public schools, Catholic and Protestant religious instruction are on their way out. Read more


Church obtains temporary restraining order against protesting attorney

Sep 7, 2005

The Holy Cross Roman Catholic church in Albany N.Y has obtained a temporary restraining order against an attorney who it... Read more


Canadian bishops express sympathy, recall history between Louisiana and Canada

Sep 7, 2005

The Canadian bishops expressed their deepest sympathy to the American bishops over the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, offering prayers... Read more


Schwarzenegger to veto same-sex marriage bill

Sep 7, 2005

Many pro-family groups let out a collective sigh of relief today as the office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced... Read more


Archbishop Chaput: Katrina shows us fragileness of human life; true meaning of Christian discipleship

Sep 7, 2005

Reflecting on the days following Hurricane Katrina, which ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast last week, Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver... Read more


Castro government limits celebration of patroness of Cuba

Sep 7, 2005

The Bishops’ Conference of Cuba announced this week that the Castro government authorized 60 processions to celebrate the feast of... Read more


Colombian bishops’ proposal for pre-dialogue rejected by FARC

Sep 7, 2005

The Secretary of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia, Bishop Fabian Marulanda of Florencia, expressed regret Wednesday at the decision by... Read more


Brazilian government postpones bill on abortion

Sep 7, 2005

In keeping with a promise made by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to the country’s bishops, the federal government... Read more


Caritas and bishops launch Migrant Week to help Mexicans in the US

Sep 7, 2005

Caritas Mexico and the Mexican bishops’ Committee on Social affairs have announced the celebration of Migrant Week in order to... Read more


Cuban cardinal outraged by pro-U.S. charge

Sep 7, 2005

The leader of the Catholic Church in Cuba, Cardinal Jaime Ortega, rejected as "truly outrageous" a Communist government official's charge... Read more


Pope appoints new Synod participants

Sep 7, 2005

This morning the Holy See Press room announced the names of the bishops apointed by Pope Benedict XVI to the... Read more

“Continually model our image on that of the Son of God," Pope Benedict says in General Audience

Sep 6, 2005

On his Wednesday General Audience, held this morning in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 20,000 people, Pope Benedict... Read more


Cardinal participates in International Forum on the model and frontiers of Europe

Sep 6, 2005

The fifteenth economic forum promoted by the Study Institute for Eastern Europe opens this evening in Krynica, Poland, on the... Read more


Vatican asks Cardinal McCarrick’s to postpone retirement

Sep 6, 2005

In a gathering with priests of the Archdiocese of Washington DC, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick announced that Pope Benedict XVI has... Read more


California legislature passes same-sex marriage bill; family groups outraged

Sep 6, 2005

Last evening, the California state legislature became the first legislative body in the U.S. to approve a bill allowing for... Read more


Gallup poll shows Americans overwhelmingly interested in Robert’s abortion stance; Fr. Pavone ‘not surprised’

Sep 6, 2005

A recent Gallup poll showed that Americans are more interested in Supreme Court Chief Justice nominee John Robert’s stance on... Read more


Tucson parishes to be incorporated by April

Sep 6, 2005

The Diocese of Tucson plans to incorporate its 74 parishes and missions as independent nonprofit corporations by April. Read more


Religious men and women dispersed throughout southern US after Katrina

Sep 6, 2005

Religious communities of consecrated men and women have had to leave their missions in the Gulf Coast region and move... Read more