Bishop José Ignacio Munilla of Orihuela-Alicante in Spain said that “the LGBT ideology has feet of clay” because it is constructed contrary to nature and “obviously it will fall,” because “it does nothing but hurt people.”

During the Sixth Continent radio program, which is broadcast Mondays and Fridays on Radio Maria Spain, Munilla gave a critical reflection on the imposition of the LGBT flag at public institutions.

In his commentary, he used the response that Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, tweeted to Joe Biden, who on Sunday boasted on social media that the LGBT flag was flying at the White House.

“I’m afraid you are correct Mr. President, but remember, pride cometh before the fall,” Strickland wrote.

The Spanish prelate added to Strickland’s comment, saying that “being proud of pride is very unintelligent, because pride comes before the fall and that’s how it also happened in sacred history.”

Munilla lamented that the symbol of the rainbow “is used in a way that goes from being a sign of the covenant with God to being a sign of pride in which man separates himself from God, from natural law, from reality.”

Thus, the rainbow becomes “a kind of tower of Babel that rises defiantly saying: I am proud and I have my own project,” the bishop pointed out.

After noting that the rainbow “is the image of the humanity of Jesus Christ” according to many Fathers of the Church, he recalled that the tower of Babel “fell down with a loud crash because everything that is built on clay has no cohesion.”

The Spanish bishop pointed out that “gender ideology, LGBT ideology has feet of clay: It is built contrary to nature itself, contrary man’s own being, against that difference of sexual duality in which God created us.”

The bishop of Orihuela-Alicante concluded that consequently, “obviously, it’s going to fall. What’s more, no matter how much its introduction by force is being politically imposed, nevertheless, it does nothing but produce more wounded people.”

The prelate stressed that “we are seeing how many broken and wounded people knock on the door of the Church who have seen that forcing reality only leads to unhappiness.”

Finally, Munilla celebrated the fact that groups of Catholic faithful in the U.S. had launched publicity campaigns recalling that “June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Christ is King.”

This story was first published by ACI Prensa, CNA’s Spanish-language news partner. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.