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A memorial to Irish priests who have served in Wyoming.

The last Irish priest in Wyoming

Apr 6, 2019

By Kevin J. Jones

“I am the last F.B.I.: foreign-born Irish,” Father Tom Sheridan, a retired priest of the Cheyenne diocese, told CNA.  Read more

Fr. Marcio Toniazzon with a group of immigrants.

Migrants are revitalizing the Church in Chile, missionary priest says

Mar 20, 2019

For six years, Fr. Marcio Toniazzo has worked as the director of immigration services for the Archdiocese of Santiago in... Read more

Venezuelan migrants waiting to enter the Divine Providence House in Cucuta, Colombia.

Colombian diocese has served 1 million meals to Venezuelan migrants

Mar 20, 2019

The Diocese of Cúcuta in Colombia reported this week that it has provided 1 million meals to Venezuelan migrants affected... Read more

Catholic leaders speak out against 'Remain in Mexico' policy

Mar 14, 2019

Catholic leaders released a statement this week in disagreement with the United States’ expansion of a policy that restricts asylum... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience in St. Peter's Square on Nov. 8, 2017.

Pope Francis: Be not afraid of migrants

Feb 15, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Friday that people need to overcome their fear of migrants and refugees, and look for the face... Read more

As population plummets, Hungary to end income tax for moms of at least four

Feb 12, 2019

In an effort to encourage Hungarians to have more babies, the prime minister of the country has announced that women... Read more

Trump admin: Reuniting migrant families may not be possible

Feb 5, 2019

In a court filing last week, the Trump administration argued that it may not be possible to reunite thousands of... Read more

Detaining migrant children 'immoral and inhumane,' says Catholic group joining lawsuit

Jan 27, 2019

More than 10,000 migrant children still detained by the U.S. government are wrongly being used to lure undocumented family members... Read more

Catholic Relief Services: Immigration action must consider root causes

Jan 12, 2019

In the ongoing discussions surrounding immigration, part of the solution must involve looking at the factors that drive people to... Read more

The US-Mexico border in Arizona.

Catholics in US express frustration over border security stalemate

Jan 9, 2019

By Christine Rousselle

On Tuesday evening, US President Donald Trump highlighted humanitarian problems present along the US-Mexico border and issued a call for... Read more

Central American Migrants.

At USCCB conference, advocate explains immigrant recruitment fraud

Dec 6, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

An immigrant rights group hopes the Maryland legislature will protect migrant workers in the state from labor trafficking and fraud... Read more

Border Marker at San Ysidro. CNA file photo.

Texas diocese says border wall on Church land violates religious freedom

Nov 27, 2018

The Diocese of Brownsville, Texas is pushing back against a government effort to use Church property to aid in the... Read more

Members of a Central American caravan heading toward the US.

Federal judge sides with asylum-seeking migrants, blocks Trump order

Nov 20, 2018

The Trump administration’s new rules limiting asylum for undocumented immigrants was wrong, says a federal judge who ruled they can... Read more

Trump’s plan for birthright citizenship flawed, says Catholic U law professor

Nov 1, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

A plan floated by President Donald Trump to end “birthright citizenship” through an executive order is likely unconstitutional, according to... Read more

For families separated at the border, Catholics and Lutherans work together

Oct 25, 2018

Catholic and Lutheran agencies jointly released a report Oct. 17 to document the two agencies’ role in helping to reunite... Read more

With city support, Baltimore parish will issue IDs to undocumented parishioners

Oct 19, 2018

By Jonah McKeown

A Baltimore Catholic parish announced that it will begin issuing parish identification cards, with the goal of making undocumented immigrants... Read more

Jose, Archbishop Gomez, and Antonio Mendez at the National V Encuentro on Sept. 22, 2018.

Two pilgrims trek 30 miles to Encuentro to raise awareness of immigration issues

Sep 23, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Most of the delegates attending the National V Encuentro conference arrived by plane, or by car if they lived locally... Read more

Immigrants rights activists.

‘We’re brothers and sisters in Christ’: For Encuentro Catholics, immigration is personal

Sep 22, 2018

By Mary Farrow

When Miriam Joyce of the Diocese of Raleigh talks about immigration, her face folds with concern.  Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience March 14, 2018.

Speak out against injustice, Pope Francis says

Sep 7, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

God needs Christians to be his hands and feet on earth, and to speak out about injustice wherever it happens,... Read more

Catholics minister to mothers and children in Texas detention centers

Aug 23, 2018

By Courtney Mares

Before being allowed to celebrate Mass for families housed at a migrant detention center in south Texas, a local priest... Read more