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Holy Name Cathedral in Chicago.

Chicago workshop seeks to expand immigrant-led ministry nationwide

Jul 18, 2018

A five-day training session in the Archdiocese of Chicago last week gathered leaders from across the country to learn about... Read more

Archbishop Jose Gomez celebrates Mass on the new feast of Mary, our Mother of the Church, in May 2018.

Archbishop Gomez: Hearing immigrants' stories should make us grateful

Jul 2, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

During a visit to the United States’ southern border, Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles called for Catholics to lobby... Read more

Families meet through the border fence.

Amid policy debate, US bishops hear from migrants at the border

Jul 2, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

Seeking to hear the stories of migrants and how they have been affected by U.S. detention policy, a delegation of... Read more

LA archbishop on immigration: God calls us to speak out against injustice

Jun 29, 2018

At a Mass in honor of immigrants on June 24, Archbishop Jose Gomez of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles called... Read more

Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger. CNA file photo.

Tucson bishop elaborates on ‘canonical penalties’ for immigrant family separation

Jun 20, 2018

A bishop who suggested last week that the Church consider canonical penalties for Catholics involved in the separation of families... Read more

President Donald Trump.

LA archbishop welcomes Trump immigration order

Jun 20, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

The Archbishop of Los Angeles said he “welcomes” an executive order signed Wednesday by President Trump, and called on Congress... Read more

Pope Francis.

Pope Francis criticizes Trump's 'zero-tolerance' migrant policy

Jun 20, 2018

By Elise Harris

In a new interview with Reuters, Pope Francis backed the U.S. bishops' opposition to the separation of migrant children from... Read more

The Catholic vision of just immigration reform

Jun 18, 2018

By JD Flynn

A Honduran woman says that federal immigration authorities took her daughter from her arms as she breastfed the child. When... Read more

What are the new border policies? A CNA explainer

Jun 18, 2018

In May 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a “zero tolerance” policy that seeks to criminally prosecute 100 percent of... Read more

Jeff Sessions.

Jeff Sessions says the Bible justifies family separation. Does it?

Jun 15, 2018

By Courtney Mares

The Trump administration has pointed to the Bible in justifying its “zero-tolerance immigration policy,” which includes the separation of immigrant... Read more

Pope Francis with participants in the International Forum for Migration and Peace, Feb. 21, 2017.

Pope: Migrants should be protected, especially children and families

Jun 14, 2018

In a message to a gathering of Mexican politicians and diplomats from the Holy See, Pope Francis said the fundamental... Read more

Border Marker at San Ysidro JD.

Commentary: Immigration and 'canonical penalties'

Jun 14, 2018

By Ed Condon

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is meeting this week in Fort Lauderdale for its annual spring session. The... Read more

Archbishop Jose Gomez.

Archbishop Gomez 'deeply disappointed' that USA Act will not be debated

Jun 14, 2018

Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles decried the decision by House leaders to not allow debate on a bipartisan bill... Read more

Tent city for immigrant minors 'a recipe for disaster'

Jun 14, 2018

As the Trump administration considers building a tent city for immigrant children separated from their parents, one Catholic group warned... Read more

A helper from Doctors Without Borders holds a Nigerian child as the MV Aquarius arrives at the Sicilian port of Messina, on May 14, 2018.

Church in Spain prepares to welcome migrants turned away in Italy

Jun 13, 2018

The Archdiocese of Valencia, Spain is preparing resources for more than 600 immigrants on board a rescue boat that was... Read more

Central Americans walk from Mexico to the U.S. side of the border to ask authorities for asylum on April 29, 2018 in Tijuana, Baja California Norte, Mexico.

Immigration ruling 'closes the door' to victims of abuse, gang violence

Jun 12, 2018

A ruling by the U.S. attorney general that victims of domestic abuse and gang violence may no longer qualify for... Read more

UN Human Rights Office condemns US border separation of families

Jun 7, 2018

By Courtney Mares

Maria had been a victim of sex trafficking and abuse by a local gang when she fled Guatemala. Taking her... Read more

After major immigration raid, Ohio bishop decries 'broken system'

Jun 7, 2018

The U.S. immigration system is broken and in need of reform, said the Bishop of Cleveland after more than 100... Read more

A woman at Sharia Al Haman Hope Refugee Camp in Duhok, Iraq on March 28, 2015.

Global campaign urges greater involvement to help migrants, refugees

Jun 7, 2018

By Elise Harris

Organizers of the international “Share the Journey” campaign are urging Catholics to step up and interact with migrants and refugees... Read more

Archbishop Gomez: It's time for a vote on DACA legislation

May 22, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles is asking Catholics in the archdiocese to contact their representatives urging a vote on... Read more