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Vatican invites Buddhists to help build culture of life

May 2, 2013

The Vatican’s top official for interreligious dialogue, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, sent a message to all Buddhists urging a joint commitment... Read more

A view of Mater Ecclesiae monastery, the place where Benedict XVI will retire to a life of prayer.

Vatican monastery prepares for Benedict XVI's return

Apr 30, 2013

Benedict XVI will return to the Vatican on May 2 by helicopter, coming back the same way he left just... Read more

Father Martin Rhonheimer, professor of political philosophy and ethics at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce. Photo courtesy of Fr. Rhonheimer.

Theologian: Same-sex civil unions discriminate against married couples

Apr 24, 2013

After a Vatican official stated that the Church could support same-sex civil unions, a Swiss theologian is saying that if... Read more

St. George's feast becomes Vatican holiday this year

Apr 22, 2013

St. George's feast day falling on April 23 means Vatican employees will have the day off to celebrate the saint... Read more

Vlade Divac poses with Corporal Urs Breitenmoser and an unnamed Swiss Guard (L to R) inside the barracks on April 18, 2013.

Former NBA player visits Swiss Guard basketball team

Apr 19, 2013

By Alan Holdren

The former Los Angeles Lakers player Vlade Divac was thrilled to meet with the Swiss Guard to discuss sports and... Read more

A cardinal reads the Mass booklet for the Nov. 2010 consistory. File photo CNA.

Advisory group will not weaken Pope's power, analyst explains

Apr 16, 2013

By Andrea Gagliarducci

Although some have worried Pope Francis’ creation of a group of cardinals to advise him means he is giving up... Read more

Archbishiop Vencenzo Paglia (right) and Salvatore Martinez (left) present the International Family Center in Nazareth on April 16, 2013.

Vatican unveils plans for International Family Center in Nazareth

Apr 16, 2013

The Vatican is moving ahead with plans to build the International Family Center in Nazareth, a complex that will include... Read more

Father Geno Sylva April 12, 2013 Interview at the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization.

Vatican plans huge pro-life, evangelization gathering

Apr 15, 2013

A major highlight for the Year of Faith will be a two-day celebration in Rome on the Church’s teaching about... Read more

Ciaran Finn Lynch and his mom and dad pose with his Pontifical Hero Award on April 12, 2013 in Vatican City.

Vatican honors boy for courage during trachea transplant

Apr 12, 2013

During the Second International Adult Stem Cell conference at the Vatican, a boy who had his windpipe replaced with one... Read more

Terry, Elizabeth and Mary Lobato pose with the Pontifical Hero Award on April 11, 2013.

Adult stem cells helping teen with 'brittle bone disease' grow

Apr 11, 2013

A girl whose bones used to break every two months was awarded for her courage in successfully battling her disease... Read more

St. Peter's Basilica as seen from the Braccia Carlo Magno arm of the colonnade. CNA file photo.

Vatican response to financial evaluation will exceed requirements

Apr 10, 2013

The Vatican plans to demonstrate its commitment to financial transparency by presenting progress it has made in areas the Council... Read more

Msgr. Tomasz Trafny, Dr. Robin Smith, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi and Fr. Ciro Benedettini present the Second International Vatican Adult Stem Cell Conference April 9, 2013 at the Holy See press office

Vatican stem cell event aims for wide cultural impact

Apr 9, 2013

The Vatican's upcoming conference on adult stem cell research aims to influence culture by promoting dialogue between politicians, medical researchers,... Read more

Archbishop Gerhard L. Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. CNA file photo.

Pope Francis confirms strong stance against clerical abuse

Apr 5, 2013

Pope Francis has reaffirmed the Vatican process established by Benedict XVI for handling instances of sexual abuse by priests.  Read more


Pope Francis prays at John Paul II's tomb on anniversary

Apr 3, 2013

Pope Francis spent a “long time” kneeling in silent prayer before the tomb of Blessed John Paul II on April... Read more

Archbishop Zygmunt Zimowski appears at a Nov. 2012 Vatican press conference.

Recognize Risen Christ in those suffering autism, Vatican says

Apr 2, 2013

The Vatican is observing World Autism Awareness Day by calling on Christians to recognize the Risen Christ in autistic people... Read more

Angelo Colapicchinoi presents one of his Colomba cakes at his bakery.

Roman baker sells Easter cakes to commemorate Vatican basilica

Mar 30, 2013

Italians are known for their food, and at Easter time one Roman baker is putting his craft on display by... Read more

St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. CNA file photo.

Pope's election changed headlines but decisions loom

Mar 25, 2013

By Andrea Gagliarducci

“The election of Pope Francis marked a change in the newspapers headlines regarding the Church,” according to Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri,... Read more


Detailed schedule of conclave released

Mar 9, 2013

Vatican press office director, Fr. Federico Lombardi, has revealed details of the daily schedule of the Conclave set to begin... Read more

Vatican post office sells over 150k Vacant See sets

Mar 7, 2013

The Vatican is now selling special stamps and envelopes that are made only when there is no Pope.  Read more

Fr. Lombardi and Fr. Rosica give Feb. 21, 2013 update at the Vatican press office.

Vatican official: prepare for resignation with spiritual growth, not division

Feb 21, 2013

At a press briefing to preview the Pope’s final events, Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said now is a time... Read more