Freedom of religion

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Cardinal Manuel Clemente, the patriarch of Lisbon, was the main celebrant for the Tuesday evening outdoor opening Mass for World Youth Day held at Eduardo VII Park on Aug. 1, 2023.

Dictatorship in Nicaragua blocks two priests who attended WYD from returning to the country

Aug 14, 2023

By Eduardo Berdejo

The dictatorship of Daniel Ortega reportedly prohibited two priests from returning to Nicaragua from Lisbon, Portugal, where they participated in... Read more

Supporters of Päivi Räsänen Juhana Pohjola outside Helsinki District Court, Finland, on Jan. 24, 2022.

U.S. lawmakers send letter in support of Finns on trial for citing Bible

Aug 11, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

Member of Finnish Parliament Päivi Räsänen and Lutheran Bishop Juhana Pohjola are facing a retrial for allegations of “hate speech.” Read more


Court orders lawyers for Southwest Airlines to take religious freedom classes

Aug 8, 2023

By Daniel Payne

The court stated that “training on religious freedom ... is the least restrictive means of achieving compliance with the court’s... Read more

Adam Smith-Connor was fined for “praying for [his] son, who is deceased” near an abortion facility in Bournemouth, England.

UK man fined for praying outside abortion clinic now faces criminal charges

Aug 4, 2023

By Jonah McKeown

Authorities have filed criminal charges against Adam Smith-Connor, who was fined in 2022 for praying silently within an abortion facility... Read more

About 200 Orthodox Jewish families and individuals showed up for a rally outside a California court building on Friday, July 21, 2023, to express their support for religious liberty for disabled students.

California Jewish families sue state for discriminating against religious disabled children

Jul 26, 2023

By Peter Pinedo

Under a California law, religious students with special needs are not allowed to access special funding if they attend religious... Read more

Photo of the main entrance of Roncalli High School in Indiana.

Appeals court rules Catholic school allowed to hold employees to moral religious standards

Jul 14, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

Roncalli High School in Indiana refused to renew the contract of a guidance counselor because she entered into a homosexual... Read more


New Virginia law offers churches additional protections against being shut down  

Jul 11, 2023

By Daniel Payne

The new provision stems from concerns during the COVID-19 crisis that churches were being subject to overly strict pandemic mitigation... Read more

Fr. Fidelis Moscinski, CFR (right) encounters protesters during the July 10 "Witness for Life" prayer procession in Brooklyn.

New York attorney general sues pro-life group

Jun 13, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

The lawsuit targets the activist group Red Rose Rescue, whose members sometimes enter abortion clinics to discourage women from abortion. Read more


Study: Most American corporations receive failing grades in religious freedom, free speech

May 18, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

A report that reviewed the policies of 75 major American corporations found rampant disregard for religious freedom and free speech. Read more

Former U.S. postal worker Gerald Groff believes his religious freedom was violated when he was reprimanded for refusing to work on Sundays.

Supreme Court seems open to considering more religious accommodations in the workplace

Apr 19, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

The U.S. Supreme Court’s conservative majority seemed open to expanding religious rights protections in the workplace during oral arguments Tuesday... Read more

Former U.S. postal worker Gerald Groff believes his religious freedom was violated when heh was reprimanded for refusing to work on Sundays.

Supreme Court set to hear case of postal worker who refused to work Sundays

Jan 17, 2023

By Peter Pinedo

Gerald Groff sued the U.S. Postal Service, arguing that he was wrongfully targeted because of his religious convictions. Read more

Päivi Räsänen, Finland’s interior minister from 2011 to 2015, speaks to reporters while holding her Bible at Helsinki District Court on Jan. 24, 2022.

After acquittal, Christian MP says: I’m ready to keep defending freedom of speech and religion

Mar 30, 2022

By CNA Staff

Päivi Räsänen said she was prepared to go to the European Court of Human Rights ‘if needed.’ Read more

Ethernet cable with chinese flag in the background.

Beijing bans online evangelization amid religious crackdown

Sep 12, 2018

The Chinese government has increased measures to suppress religious belief and practice. New regulations, published on the government’s legal information... Read more

Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington attends the Synod on the Family, Oct. 9, 2015.

Cardinal Wuerl explains why Church workers must be consistent with the Gospel

Jan 14, 2016

Church workers have to lead people toward Catholic teaching in their public lives, not away from it, the Archbishop of... Read more

Spanish court recognizes pharmacists' conscience rights

Jul 8, 2015

Spain's Constitional Court has issued a ruling protecting the conscience rights of pharmacists who decline to sell the morning after... Read more

Barronnelle Stutzman, whose business and home are threatened after she declined to arrange flowers for a same-sex wedding.

Grandmother, florist may lose her business and home for declining gay wedding

Feb 20, 2015

By Mary Farrow

If you walk into Barronelle Stutzman’s floral business, you’re probably going to get a hug. She puts her heart into... Read more