Laudato Si

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Archbishop: Care for creation and human life aren’t opposed – they go together

Feb 22, 2017

Both Pope Francis and St. Francis of Assisi provide the right perspective on caring for creation in a way that... Read more

For US bishops, new environmental plan a step in the right direction

Nov 8, 2016

A new action agenda from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has drawn praise from the U.S. bishops as a step... Read more

Oil refinery.

Catholic groups around the world break ties with fossil fuels

Oct 5, 2016

On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi this week, seven Catholic organizations on five continents announced they are divesting... Read more

Thailand's Mount Carmel Parish, Paphanawan-Thare plant 800 tree saplings on World Environment Day Jun 5, 2016.

How Pope Francis inspired a Thailand parish to plant 800 trees

Jun 7, 2016

Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical on caring for creation, and concerned by environmental threats around them, Catholic parishioners in Thailand... Read more

A look at how businesses can help the poor

Mar 21, 2016

By Matt Hadro

Businesses can care for both the poor and the created world by making decisions that focus on the human person... Read more

Rice planters.

Meet the families bearing the consequences of environmental change

Dec 13, 2015

By Adelaide Mena

For Mary Ann Remocaldo, taking out the trash is not just a simple household chore. Instead, proper waste disposal has... Read more

Mountains, via Unsplash.

Put ethics at heart of climate talks, Vatican says at Paris summit

Dec 1, 2015

By Elise Harris

In his speech at the COP-21 climate summit in Paris, the Vatican’s Secretary of State urged global leaders to orient... Read more

Pope Francis' historic address to the U.N. in New York City on Sept. 25, 2015.

Leave ideology behind and care for the human person, Pope tells UN

Sep 25, 2015

By Elise Harris

On Friday Pope Francis told members of the United Nations that there is no room for “ideological colonization” in their... Read more

Monks at Holy Cross Abbey screenshot 1.

Meet the monks who decided to go green years before Laudato Si

Sep 2, 2015

By Matt Hadro

Years before Pope Francis’ recent ecology encyclical was published, a Trappist monastery in Virginia went back to its spiritual roots... Read more

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In ecumenical move, Pope Francis establishes World Day of Prayer for Creation

Aug 10, 2015

By CNA Staff

Pope Francis has instituted a new day of prayer and celebration for the Church entitled the “World Day of Prayer... Read more

Boatmen in Guwahati Assam, India.

How Laudato Si is being put into practice in India

Jul 25, 2015

The diocese of Miao, India sits in rich, mountainous forest terrain on the edge of the Himalayas. Most of its... Read more

Pope Francis prays with journalists on the papal flight en route to South Korea on Aug. 14, 2014.

Corruption, threats, torture – we need justice in the mining industry, Pope says

Jul 18, 2015

By Elise Harris

Continuing his theme on protecting both the environment and human rights, Pope Francis pointed to various injustices in the mining... Read more

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at Guayaquil in Ecuador on July 6, 2015.

The man who put Laudato Si into practice in Ecuador – 40 years ago

Jul 7, 2015

By Andrea Gagliarducci

Among the members of civil society Pope Francis met with in Quito was an Italian who helped build a banking... Read more

Carpenteria Beach United States Flag,

Want to put the Pope's encyclical into practice? Protect religious freedom, archbishop says

Jul 4, 2015

By Matt Hadro

Religious freedom is absolutely necessary to implement the teachings of Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Laudato Si, said the U.S. bishops’... Read more

Cardinal Turkson, Naomi Klein at the People and Planet First conference at the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome, Italy on July 2, 2015.

Pope's encyclical forges unusual allies in fight for the environment

Jul 2, 2015

By Elise Harris

The Vatican recently added the voice of self-described “secular Jewish feminist” Naomi Klein to their discussion on the climate, signaling... Read more

Have a family, grow a garden, be holy – conclusions from Laudato Si

Jun 23, 2015

By Adelaide Mena, Matt Hadro

The vision behind Pope Francis’ newest encyclical is one that offers a holistic proposal of stewardship rooted in faith, offering... Read more

(CC0 1.0)

Infallible? Informal? How binding is the new encyclical on Catholics?

Jun 19, 2015

By Adelaide Mena

With the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment this week came a wave of controversy over the Pope’s... Read more

Pope Francis speaks to the crowds gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Angelus, June 14, 2015.

The first encyclical wholly from Francis overturns expectations

Jun 18, 2015

'Laudato si' is not only an example of the Magisterium's social teaching: it also represents the birth of a new... Read more

St. Francis of Assisi.

Saint Francis and his star role in the Pope's new encyclical

Jun 18, 2015

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis' new encyclical is filled with references to his namesake, whom the Pope says is a model of how... Read more

Press conference on Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si on June 18, 2015 in Paul VI Hall.

Vatican: Encyclical aims to promote common good, not take sides

Jun 18, 2015

By Elise Harris

The Vatican's presentation of Pope Francis' new encyclical said the intent behind the document goes beyond political debates, aiming for... Read more