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For the first time in decades, young men are more likely to stay in the church, while young women are leaving, according to a recent U.S. study.

The ‘Gen Z’ flip: Why young women are leaving religion — and how to bring them back

May 30, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

For the first time in decades, young men are more likely to stick with religion, while young women are leaving,... Read more

Pope Francis greets a young girl at a conference on Friday, May 10, 2024, on the state of birth rates in Italy and the wider West at the Auditorium della Conciliazione in Rome.

Pope Francis on record-low fertility rate: ‘Human life is not a problem, it is a gift’

May 10, 2024

By Matthew Santucci

“The problem of our world is not the children that are born — it is selfishness, consumerism, and individualism, which... Read more


Global fertility rates: Here’s how majority-Catholic countries rank against rest of world

May 7, 2024

By Jonah McKeown, Daniel Payne

Catholic populations have for years been associated with high fertility rates — but that has changed. Read more

Pope Francis shared a stage with Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on May 12, 2023, to speak at a two-day conference on “The General State of the Birth Rate,” held at Conciliazione Auditorium close to the Vatican.

Pope Francis to speak at event on Italy’s record-low birth rate

May 2, 2024

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis will address “The General State of the Birth Rate” conference on May 10 at the Conciliazione Auditorium close... Read more


Japanese company’s pivot to adult diapers underscores crashing fertility rates worldwide

Apr 10, 2024

By Daniel Payne

Oji Holdings’ pivot to adult diaper manufacturing underscores an ongoing crisis facing many developed nations around the world: cratering fertility... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience in St. Peter’s Square on May 11, 2022.

Pope Francis: Low birth rate is a ‘social emergency’

May 12, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

‘Italy, Europe, and the West are impoverishing their futures,’ the pope said. Read more

Pope Francis attends the ‘General State of the Birth Rate’ event in Rome, May 14, 2021.

Pope Francis asks society which it values more: Children or money

May 14, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

The pope was speaking at “The General State of the Birth Rate” event in Rome. Read more

Empty wooden crib. Image via Shutterstock

‘We took the family for granted’: Leaders grapple with Italy’s accelerating birth crisis

May 13, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis will attend a May 14 event on the country’s demographic decline. Read more

Pope Francis baptizes a child in the Sistine Chapel on Jan. 12, 2020.

Pope Francis to open event on Italy’s demographic decline

May 3, 2021

By Courtney Mares

The country’s birth rate has hit a historic low. Read more

Why 'disappointing' Census numbers are such a concern

Apr 30, 2021

By Matt Hadro

New Census numbers show the U.S. had its slowest decade of population growth since the Great Depression - and experts... Read more

Empty cradle. Stock image via Shutterstock.

As Italy hits record low births, is there a future for the family?

Dec 15, 2020

By Hannah Brockhaus

What is causing the 50 years of steady decline in births across Europe, and especially in Italy, and is there... Read more

Image of a child's car seat.

Could car seat laws really be lowering birthrates?

Oct 3, 2020

By Matt Hadro

Could car seat mandates have caused a decline in births in the U.S. in recent decades? A recent working paper... Read more

Empty cradle. Stock image via Shutterstock.

Coronavirus 'baby bust' could be worse than expected

Aug 5, 2020

By Matt Hadro

Amid steady predictions of demographic decline, one economics professor has told CNA that a COVID-related “baby bust” could be worse... Read more

Italy predicts decline in births following coronavirus

Jul 13, 2020

By Hannah Brockhaus

According to Italy’s national statistics institute, the country is likely to see a significant decline in the number of babies... Read more

Ross Douthat on EWTN Pro-Life Weekly, March 19, 2020.

Douthat: Decadent societies lack babies, and hope

Mar 21, 2020

By CNA Staff

Catholic author and commentator Ross Douthat said that a “decadent society” plays a role in declining birth rates, as cultures... Read more

Bishop warns of the 'desolate panorama' of Spain's birthrate

Sep 10, 2019

The Bishop of San Sebastián wrote Sunday of the problems facing Spain as its birthrate is well below replacement level,... Read more

CDC confirms US fertility rate fell to 'all-time low' in 2018

Jul 25, 2019

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed Wednesday that the US fertility rate continued to fall in 2018, to... Read more

Empty wooden crib. Image via Shutterstock

Lowest-ever fertility rates have complicated causes, no easy solutions, experts say

May 16, 2019

By Ed Condon

Fertility rates in the United States have fallen to an all-time low, according to provisional figures released by the Centers... Read more

Pope Francis arrives in Bulgaria May 5, 2019.

To invest in the future, invest in young people, Pope Francis says in Bulgaria

May 5, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

On the first day of a trip to Bulgaria, Pope Francis encouraged authorities to strengthen and grow their country by... Read more

World Youth Day in Krakow, July 2016.

Where 'no religion' is default, a look at Europe's young Catholic minority

Mar 22, 2018

Young Catholics in Europe live in a culture where religious affiliation, church attendance, and regular prayer are generally at low... Read more