General audience

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Pope Francis speaks at his general audience in the apostolic library April 22, 2020.

On Earth Day, Pope Francis urges solidarity with most vulnerable

Apr 22, 2020

By Hannah Brockhaus

Commenting on the celebration of Earth Day during his general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis urged people to show solidarity with... Read more

Pope Francis gives his general audience address in the apostolic palace April 15, 2020.

Peace is much more than ‘inner tranquility,’ says Pope Francis

Apr 15, 2020

Peace is often misunderstood today as a subjective psychological idea, Pope Francis said Wednesday, stressing that true peace is found... Read more

Pope Francis gives his general audience address in the apostolic palace April 1, 2020.

Ponder Christ’s Passion amid the coronavirus crisis, pope urges

Apr 8, 2020

Meditating on Christ's Passion can help us as we struggle with questions about God and suffering during the coronavirus crisis,... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience in St. Peter's Square on March 14, 2018.

With prayer, good can overcome evil, Pope Francis says

Mar 20, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

To pray is to believe in God’s power to replace the evil in the world with goodness, Pope Francis said... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience April 20, 2016.

Only God loves perfectly, Pope Francis says

Feb 20, 2019

By Hannah Brockhaus

Despite the best efforts of human beings, it is only God the Father who will never fall short in loving... Read more

Pope Francis prays at his Wednesday general audience Feb. 13, 2019.

Pope Francis: There is no 'I' in the 'Our Father'

Feb 13, 2019

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis said Wednesday that one’s prayer should always be a dialogue with God with charitable consideration for others’ needs.  Read more

Pope Francis at a Wednesday general audience in Paul VI hall on Jan. 16, 2019.

Pope Francis: 'God loves you, even if you forget Him'

Jan 16, 2019

By Courtney Mares

God the Father will always be there for his beloved children, Pope Francis said Wednesday, with a reminder that the... Read more

Pope Francis at a Wednesday general audience in Paul VI hall on Dec. 20, 2017.

Faith is not ‘decorative,’ Pope Francis says

Dec 12, 2018

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis gave an Advent reminder Wednesday that faith should not be just a “decorative” addition to daily life by... Read more

Pope Francis at the November 7, 2018 general audience.

Pope says entrepreneurship needed in face of 'scandalous poverty'

Nov 7, 2018

By Courtney Mares

“If there is hunger on earth, it is not because food is missing!” Pope Francis said in St. Peter’s Square... Read more

Pope Francis at the general audience Oct 31, 2018.

Pope Francis calls faithful married love 'revolutionary'

Oct 31, 2018

By Courtney Mares

Faithful married love, in which a husband loves his wife like Christ loves the Church, is “revolutionary,” Pope Francis said... Read more

Pope Francis greets a married couple at a Wednesday General Audience.

Pope Francis: Marriage prep should be more than a few parish meetings

Oct 24, 2018

By Courtney Mares

In his general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis said that engaged couples require “careful preparation” for the lifelong fidelity that marriage... Read more

Pope Francis kisses a child at the general audience on Oct. 10.

Pope Francis: Abortion is like hiring a hitman

Oct 10, 2018

By Courtney Mares

In his general audience Wednesday, Pope Francis said that abortion “suppresses innocent and helpless life in its blossoming.” “Is it... Read more

Pope Francis during his general audience in St. Peter's Square June 20, 2018.

Pope Francis: We are God's children, not his slaves

Jun 20, 2018

By Elise Harris

On Wednesday Pope Francis said the ten commandments are not heartless rules imposed on mankind by an oppressive God, but... Read more

Pope Francis walks with young people during his general audience June 13, 2018.

What is the biggest threat young people face? Mediocrity, Pope says

Jun 13, 2018

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis said Wednesday that the greatest danger modern youth face is not the array of problems that surround them,... Read more

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims during his June 6, 2018 general audience.

Pope Francis: The Church is not just the bishops – it's everyone

Jun 6, 2018

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis Wednesday said that the sacrament of Confirmation is a gift meant to be shared with other people, both... Read more

Pope Francis during his general audience in St. Peter's Square May 23, 2018.

The Holy Spirit is the invisible gift of God, Pope Francis says

May 30, 2018

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis said Wednesday that confirmation is the sacrament in which Catholics are marked with a seal that solidifies their... Read more

Pope Francis baptizes 26 infants in the Sistine Chapel Jan. 10, 2016.

Pope: Nothing can erase baptism, that's why it only happens once

May 9, 2018

By Elise Harris

Pope Francis said Wednesday that nothing can take away a person's baptism or the identity they thereby gain as a... Read more

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims during his April 4, 2018 general audience in St. Peter's Square.

Pope Francis: We should leave every Mass better than we entered

Apr 4, 2018

By Elise Harris

On Wednesday Pope Francis said the Eucharist is key to living an authentic Christian witness, and that those who leave... Read more

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims during his March 28, 2018 general audience in St. Peter's Square.

Pope Francis: A person transformed by Christ cannot be corrupt

Mar 28, 2018

By Elise Harris

The Easter Triduum is the most important time of year for Christians, Pope Francis said Wednesday, and stressed that those... Read more

Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square during the Wednesday general audience on May 22, 2015.

Mass can't be bought – salvation is free, Pope Francis says

Mar 7, 2018

By Elise Harris

On Wednesday Pope Francis issued a harsh critique of the trend to ask parishioners for a financial contribution in order... Read more