Young adults

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At the 2025 SEEK conference in Salt Lake City, Isaac Smith (left), a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), and Alex Tarrios, a Pentecostal Christian, each found themselves seeking Christ, finding encouragement and support in the community they found there.

Young adults share SEEK’s influence in their search for Christ in Salt Lake City

Jan 6, 2025

By Kate Quiñones

Two young adults who attended SEEK25 in Salt Lake City to seek Christ and learn more about the Catholic faith... Read more

The opening Mass of SEEK25 in Salt Lake City took place the night of New Year’s Day on the feast of Mary, Mother of God. The hymn “Sing of Mary” rang out as well over 100 priests processed through the main hall, including Salt Lake City’s Bishop Oscar Solis, who gave the homily.

Record numbers of young adults flock to Salt Lake City for SEEK25 

Jan 2, 2025

By Kate Quiñones

More than 21,000 people have begun the new year seeking Jesus at the biggest Catholic young adult conference of the... Read more

Father Deacon Andrew Bennett addresses a fundraising breakfast for Catholic Pacific College in Langley Township, British Columbia, in December 2023. “Increasingly young adults see what the world is offering them, and they realize it’s not what they want,” he said.

‘Search for beauty and truth’ leads young adults to church, Ukrainian Catholic deacon says

It all comes down to giving young people “a sense of life in beauty, truth, and goodness — those great... Read more

YDisciple is a streaming project aimed at providing training resources for adults and teaching materials for youth. It announced in November 2023 it is partnering with the Juan Diego Network to adapt the YDisciple project to the Spanish language and the needs of Latino culture.

NET Ministries launches outreach to U.S. Hispanic youth

Nov 30, 2023

By Walter Sánchez Silva

According to a Pew Research study, 60% of Catholics under the age of 18 in the United States are Hispanic. Read more

Pope Francis met participants and organizers of a Christmas songwriting contest at the Vatican on Nov. 22, 2021

Pope Francis tells young adults to hold onto hope as Advent nears

Nov 22, 2021

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis met young adults and teens participating in a songwriting contest based on the theme of Christmas. Read more

Harvard Memorial Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Harvard Catholic Center engages intellectual tradition with new forum

Jun 9, 2021

By Joe Bukuras

The Harvard Catholic Center is in its first year of launching an initiative to engage the university, academic professions, and... Read more

Poll: Young adults more likely than older Catholics to accept all of Church teaching

Oct 20, 2020

A new survey released this week has found that 1 in 5 Catholic likely voters say they accept everything the... Read more

Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia.

Archbishop Chaput highlights voices of young adults ahead of synod

May 24, 2018

In an effort to highlight the voices of young people ahead of the Synod on Youth this fall, Archbishop Charles... Read more

How can the US Church reach young adults? By building relationships

May 21, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

The question of how the U.S. Church can better reach young adults who are not actively engaged in their faith... Read more