Corporal works of mercy

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Lori Stillwell, a volunteer and a member of the local Kiwanis Club, directs nearly 600 volunteers who gathered Nov. 2, 2024, at St. Isidore Parish in Macomb, Michigan, to package 100,000 meals in partnership with the Kids Coalition Against Hunger. The massive annual effort brought together volunteers from the Disciples Unleashed Family of Parishes as well as the local community to aid victims of natural disasters, including the recent hurricanes in the U.S. South.

Michigan parish packs 100,000 meals for disaster victims in the South

Nov 7, 2024

By Karla Dorweiler

More than 400 volunteers streamed into the social hall at St. Isidore Catholic Church in the Michigan township of Macomb... Read more

Ben Kresse, a theology teacher at St. Xavier High School, shows a group of students how to uncover a temporary marker on a gravesite in Meadow View Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky, Sept. 21, 2024.

In Louisville, Catholic high schoolers help bury the indigent dead

Nov 4, 2024

By Daniel Payne

Catholic Charities of Louisville says its burial program provides services “for individuals in our community who do not have resources... Read more

Pope Francis delivers his Angelus address on Feb. 11, 2024.

Pope Francis on Our Lady of Lourdes feast: The Church is close to all who are sick or frail

Feb 11, 2024

By Courtney Mares

In his Angelus address, the pope asked people to reflect on what they have done to help the sick and... Read more

Bishop Robert Deeley leads a committal of unclaimed cremated remains at the Old Cemetery at Calvary in South Portland, Maine, Nov. 22, 2021.

Bishop Deeley presides at outdoor prayer service for unclaimed remains in South Portland

Nov 30, 2021

By Dave Guthro

In view of the tombstones and damp terrain of the large and rolling Old Cemetery at Calvary, a small crowd... Read more


Ecuadorian priest awarded by city for feeding hundreds of the needy daily

Jul 28, 2021

By Walter Sánchez Silva

The Mayor's Office of Guayaquil on Sunday awarded Fr. Wilson Malavé Parrales, director of the Lord of Good Hope Soup... Read more

Pope Francis waves during the Angelus Nov. 15, 2020.

Pope Francis on Christ the King: Make choices with eternity in mind

Nov 22, 2020

By Hannah Brockhaus

On Christ the King Sunday, Pope Francis encouraged Catholics to make choices with eternity in mind, by thinking not about... Read more

Catholic church in NJ buries two abandoned infants

May 11, 2020

A New Jersey Catholic church buried two infants May 8 who were found dead at a recycling center a few... Read more

Bishop Robert Gruss of Saginaw processes from a Mass to the burial of the unclaimed remains of 175 people, at Calvary Cemetery in Kawkawlin, Mich., Nov. 2, 2019.

Saginaw diocese buries the forgotten dead on All Souls' Day

Nov 7, 2019

On Saturday Bishop Robert Gruss of Saginaw said a Mass of All Souls' Day for 175 people whose mortal remains... Read more

Pope Francis visits with residents of CasAmica, a home for the indigent sick, in a Roman suburb Dec. 7, 2018.

Mercy Friday: Pope makes surprise visit to residence centers for the sick

Dec 7, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Continuing his ‘Mercy Friday’ initiative, Pope Francis visited two live-in health centers in the far southern suburbs of Rome today,... Read more