Same-sex unions

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Frankfurt Church leader supports plan for same-sex blessings

Jan 24, 2018

A German bishop’s proposal that the Catholic Church could provide blessing ceremonies for gay couples, as well as divorced and... Read more

Australian bishops: Don't let same-sex marriage limit religious freedom

Nov 15, 2017

Following a postal survey showing support for same-sex marriage, Australia’s Catholic bishops said that the nation’s laws need to protect... Read more

Bishop Morlino: don't let funeral controversy overshadow Christ's love

Nov 2, 2017

By Kevin J. Jones

For Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison, misconceptions and negativity are dominating the reaction to his diocese’s private message to priests... Read more

Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative MP for North East Somerset.

We need more politicians who are brave, Catholics in UK say

Sep 13, 2017

By Mary Farrow

It’s a tough time for Catholics in public life, and not just in the United States.  Read more

Wedding rings.

N. Ireland high court: No European right to 'gay marriage'

Aug 22, 2017

Northern Ireland’s High Court has rejected two legal challenges that sought to recognize same-sex unions as marriages, saying it is... Read more

Bishop Paprocki explains Catholic teaching: Repentance is for everyone

Jul 26, 2017

A prominent media priest who criticized Bishop Thomas Paprocki’s restatement of norms regarding church funerals “gets a lot wrong,” the... Read more

The Reichstag building in Berlin, wherethe Bundestag meets.

German bishops criticize parliament's approval of gay marriage

Jun 30, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

Archbishop Heiner Koch of Berlin expressed his regret Friday at the German parliament’s vote in favor of legalizing same-sex marriage,... Read more

Tim Kaine.

Catholic marriage won't change, bishop says after Tim Kaine comments

Sep 13, 2016

Soon after Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine suggested the Catholic Church would change on same-sex marriage, the Bishop of Richmond... Read more

Tim Kaine.

Tim Kaine claims Catholic Church could change on gay marriage

Sep 11, 2016

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine, a Catholic who is currently the junior Virginia senator, said on Saturday that he... Read more

United States Vice President Joe Biden.

Biden gay marriage flap prompts response from Catholic bishops

Aug 5, 2016

Just days after United States Vice President Joe Biden officiated at a same-sex wedding ceremony, three leading bishops aimed for... Read more

Virginia State Capitol.

Centuries of religious freedom at risk with Virginia veto, Catholic bishops warn

Apr 3, 2016

The veto of a religious freedom bill means faith-based groups that support marriage as a union of a man and... Read more

Hundreds of thousands participate in Family Day in Rome, protesting a new bill that would legalize civil unions in Italy.

Hundreds of thousands attend ‘Family Day’ as Italy debates same-sex unions

Jan 30, 2016

By Ann Schneible

Hundreds of thousands are estimated to have gathered for ‘Family Day’ at the historic site in the capital city a... Read more

Cardinal Donald Wuerl of Washington attends the Synod on the Family, Oct. 9, 2015.

Cardinal Wuerl explains why Church workers must be consistent with the Gospel

Jan 14, 2016

Church workers have to lead people toward Catholic teaching in their public lives, not away from it, the Archbishop of... Read more

Colorado court gives no relief to baker who declined to serve gay wedding

Aug 13, 2015

A Colorado baker has lamented the Colorado Court of Appeals’ ruling handed down Thursday that he illegally discriminated when he... Read more

US president Barack Obama speaks at Georgetown University, May 12, 2015.

African leaders counter Obama's 'ideological colonization' in Kenya

Jul 28, 2015

U.S. president Barack Obama has come under fire from African politicians and Church leaders after advocating for gay rights in... Read more

Wedding Marriage Bride Groom. (CC0 1.0).

Australia's bishops reaffirm marriage – and get reported to government

Jul 8, 2015

By Kevin J. Jones

In a recent pastoral letter on marriage, Australia’s Catholic bishops reaffirmed Catholic teaching. And one of the bishops has countered... Read more

Marriage supporters rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court building during oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, April 28, 2015.

Don't overturn social order, faith leaders urge Supreme Court before marriage case

Jun 24, 2015

By Matt Hadro

As the Supreme Court will rule on same-sex marriage before the month’s end, over 50,000 Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and Jewish... Read more

The "Defend our Children" demonstration against a civil unions bill, at the St. John Piazza in Rome, June 20, 2015.

Thousands gather in Rome to support the family, oppose gender theory

Jun 23, 2015

A pro-family demonstration drew hundreds of thousands of participants to Rome on Saturday, where the rally gathered those opposed to... Read more

Irish Flag.

Vote to legalize gay marriage poses uncertain future for Ireland

May 22, 2015

By Ann Schneible

As Ireland goes to the polls to vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage, one Church official warns that the... Read more

Supporters of marriage join protests in front of the U.S. Supreme Court during oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, April 28, 2015.

Supreme Court doesn't tip hand: asks tough questions of both sides in marriage case

Apr 28, 2015

By Adelaide Mena, Matt Hadro

U.S. Supreme Court justices asked tough questions of both plaintiffs and respondents at oral arguments on Tuesday in a possibly... Read more