Same-sex unions

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Are kids just as well off with same-sex parents? Maybe not, studies say

Mar 5, 2015

The idea that children raised in same-sex households fare as well as children of married opposite-sex couples may not withstand... Read more

Wis. diocese clarifies stance on baptizing same-sex couples' babies

Jul 2, 2014

The Diocese of Madison, Wis. explained its response to same-sex couples who present children for baptism, welcoming sincere baptism requests... Read more

Attorney: courts overturning marriage laws use 'raw judicial power'

Jun 18, 2014

By Matt Hadro

The judiciary would be exercising “raw judicial power” were it to overturn Colorado’s traditional marriage amendment, an attorney at a... Read more

New book outlines non-religious view against 'gay marriage'

May 16, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

Using non-religious arguments, a new book says that “gay marriage” is just the latest in a cultural trend of rationalized... Read more

Disney Channel same-sex couple episode yields protest

Jan 30, 2014

The Disney Channel's recent decision to air its first TV show episode with a same-sex couple has drawn complaints from... Read more

Ryan Anderson.

Defense of marriage is a social justice issue, scholar says

Oct 9, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Maintaining marriage as a union between a man and a woman is a matter of social justice, said Ryan Anderson,... Read more

Military wedding.

Military archbishop stresses faithful ministry for chaplains

Sep 23, 2013

In ministering to gay individuals, Catholic chaplains must share Christ’s love and mercy, without being forced to condone same-sex relationships,... Read more

Father Martin Rhonheimer, professor of political philosophy and ethics at the Pontifical University of Santa Croce. Photo courtesy of Fr. Rhonheimer.

Theologian: Same-sex civil unions discriminate against married couples

Apr 24, 2013

After a Vatican official stated that the Church could support same-sex civil unions, a Swiss theologian is saying that if... Read more

Hands Together by Vera Kratochvil

Harvard debate stresses meaning, purpose of marriage

Feb 27, 2013

At the heart of the national debate on same-sex unions is a fundamental disagreement on the nature of marriage, said... Read more

Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio and Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone.

Archbishops decry military gay benefits plan

Feb 15, 2013

Two U.S. archbishops involved in defense of marriage efforts and the military spoke out against a new Pentagon policy giving... Read more

Leon Panetta, US Secretary of Defense.

Pentagon criticized for offering spousal benefits to gay couples

Feb 13, 2013

The Department of Defense has drawn criticism over new policies providing same-sex partners some of the benefits normally reserved to... Read more

Migrant workers rest after picking cucumbers all morning on a farm in Blackwater, Virginia.

Bishops push for immigration reform without same-sex recognition

Feb 8, 2013

The U.S. bishops joined with a broad array of Christian leaders to stress the need for immigration reform, while reportedly... Read more