The Catholic Church does not dictate to Catholics how they should vote but it does provide guiding principles for making decisions about voting.
On Sept. 19 and on two other occasions each year the blood of St. Januarius usually liquifies — a miraculous occurrence no one can explain.
On Aug. 27 the Church honors St. Monica, whose holy example and fervent intercession led to one of the most dramatic conversions in Church history.
St. Bernard is considered the last of the Church Fathers in the Western tradition.
This feast day is a relatively new one but the history of the holy day and the mystery behind it has its roots in the earliest centuries of Christian belief.
Global cardinals and bishops decried the “grotesque” depiction of the Last Supper at the Games’ opening ceremony, calling for repudiation and reparation.
A drag-queen-led parody of the Last Supper featured during Friday’s opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics has sparked a wave of reactions.
Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller described the statue as “advertising for feminist ideology that violates the natural sense of modesty.”
The young Italian who is expected to be canonized in the coming year became a popular role model soon after he died on July 4, 1925, at the age of 24.
On June 27, the feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and patroness of the platform, ChurchPOP officially launched content in the Hungarian language.
On the feast of Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More, CNA presents a question-and-answer lowdown on their lives and legacies.
On the birthday of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, we remember what one of the last journalists to interview him said about the saint.
This weekend, the Church celebrates Pentecost, one of the most important feast days of the year, which concludes the Easter season.
Oct. 13, 1917, marked the last Marian apparition in Fátima, a day on which thousands of people bore witness to the miracle of the dancing sun.
Quick action by alert parishioners and local police are credited with averting a tragedy at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Abbeville, Louisiana, yesterday.
In 2008, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints ruled that a Hawaiian woman’s cure from cancer was a miracle linked to her prayers to Father Damien De Veuster.
The Divine Mercy novena can be said at any time of the year, but it is especially said over the course of nine days beginning on Good Friday.
The devotion involves traveling to seven local churches after the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on the evening of Holy Thursday.
A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus to remove temporal punishment due to sin.
The Coptic Orthodox Church announced that three monks were attacked and murdered Tuesday in the Coptic monastery in South Africa.