Middle East - Africa News


Aid organization established to help persecuted Iraqi Christians

Aug 27, 2007

The plight of the Iraqi Christian community is one that is quite desperate even though it has existed for centuries.... Read more


Africans demand countries follow Ugandan model of abstinence in order to stop AIDS

Aug 23, 2007

The website AllAfrica.com has published an opinion piece by an African expert who is calling on leaders to follow the... Read more


Pakistani Christians suffer discrimination and religious persecution, says priest

Aug 22, 2007

Father Emmanuel Asi, secretary of the Biblical Commission of Pakistan, denounced this week that Christians in that country are experiencing... Read more


Gaza Christians under Islamic threat

Aug 17, 2007

The Christian minority in Gaza are under increasing pressure by Hamas to become Muslims, submit to Islamic law or leave... Read more


Man in Iran lashed for being Christian

Aug 15, 2007

Iranian authorities lashed a man 34 times after a copy of the Gospel was found in his car, according to... Read more


Islamic extremists kill Pakistani Christian and issue death threats against anyone involved in his funeral

Aug 13, 2007

On July 30 Islamic extremists killed Sadiq Masih, a Pakistani Christian who requested a leave of absence from his job... Read more


Egypt arrests Christian human rights activists

Aug 10, 2007

On August 8, members of the State Security Investigations (SSI) arrested and detained two Egyptian Christian human rights activists in... Read more

Vatican Secretary of State speaks with Condoleezza Rice about Christians in Middle East, Iraq

Aug 8, 2007

In a press conference this afternoon, Cardinal Bertone spoke about his recent conversation with the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza... Read more


Adultery charges dropped in case against Archbishop Pius Ncube

Aug 6, 2007

The sensational adultery lawsuit against Archbishop Pius Ncube has an interesting new development. According to The Standard, papers were just... Read more


President of Uganda invites Pope Benedict to visit

Aug 6, 2007

The visit of Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, the head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has provided the... Read more


Suicide ruling reversed by Kenyan court in case of American priest

Aug 2, 2007

A Kenyan court found yesterday that an American priest, whose death was originally ruled to be suicide, was actually murdered,... Read more


Ambassador to Holy See says nothing can eradicate Christians from Iraq

Jul 26, 2007

The Iraqi ambassador to the Holy See, Albert Edward Ismail Yelda, said this week Christians in the that country “are... Read more

South Korean volunteers before leaving on their trip

Taliban grows impatient, kills South Korean hostage

Jul 25, 2007

Taliban militants in Afghanistan who took 23 South Korean Christians hostage, have reportedly killed one of them after losing patience... Read more


Israeli authorities threaten bookstores with fines over Harry Potter launch

Jul 20, 2007

Israeli authorities are urging local bookstores not to participate in the international launch of the final book in the best-selling... Read more


Expert says Peres brings hope for inclusion of Fundamental Accord in Israeli laws

Jul 18, 2007

Franciscan priest and expert in Vatican foreign relations, Father David Jaeger, said this week there is new hope that with... Read more


Militant Bumble Bee replaces Mickey Mouse look-alike on Hamas TV

Jul 17, 2007

Hamas television has created a new cartoon character to replace the Mickey Mouse look-alike, named Farfur, that called for jihad... Read more

Archbishop Pius Ncube

Lawsuit filed against vocal critic of President Robert Mugabe, Archbishop Pius Ncube

Jul 17, 2007

The outspoken critic of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, Archbishop Pius Ncube, is being taken to court for allegedly having an... Read more


Zimbabwean political crisis ‘threatens lives’ says Archbishop

Jul 13, 2007

As talks between Zimbabwe’s ruling party and the opposition resumed in South Africa this week, a leading cleric has warned... Read more


Iraqi archbishop demands government respect human rights

Jul 10, 2007

Speaking to the Italian news agency SIR, Archbishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk (Iraq) said this week the situation of the... Read more


Priestly vocations continue to increase in Ugandan war zone

Jul 5, 2007

Despite the war-torn surroundings of nothern Uganda, priestly vocations continue to increase, said Fr. Cosmas Alule in an interview with... Read more