Vatican News

Pope’s July prayer intentions focus outward, seek to build up culture

Jun 30, 2005

This morning, the Vatican announced Pope Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions for the month of July, which reaffirm his often stated... Read more

Pope Benedict calls archbishops to unity and affection for the Church

Jun 29, 2005

Today at noon in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, dean of the College of Cardinals, and... Read more


Benedict reitterates 'firm determination' to work for Christian unity

Jun 29, 2005

In a meeting with a delegation sent by His Holiness Bartholomew I, ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople, who are in Rome... Read more


Archbishop Gomez: symbolic pallium calls shepherds to give their lives for their flock

Jun 29, 2005

San Antonio’s Archbishop Jose Gomez was one of 32 metropolitan archbishops to receive the pallium yesterday from Pope Benedict XVI,... Read more


Pope Benedict honored by young people, calls for authentic peace, safeguarding of human dignity

Jun 29, 2005

On Tuesday evening, Pope Benedict XVI was honored by a number of youth organizations and others in a ceremony themed:... Read more

Pope bestows Pallium to Archbishops, urges them to work united for the Church

Jun 28, 2005

Earlier today, Pope Benedict XVI bestowed the sacred pallium to the Vatican Secretary of State, Card. Angelo Sodano, and other... Read more

Pope Benedict calls Catechism Compendium ‘a renewed announcement of the Gospel’

Jun 27, 2005

At a special liturgy this morning for the debut of the new Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church,... Read more


Vatican unveils new compendium of Catholic Catechism

Jun 27, 2005

The dense Catechism of the Catholic Church, groundbreaking when it debuted in 1992, will now be even more accessible to... Read more


The road to Sainthood: Beatification process for John Paul the Great set to open

Jun 27, 2005

Mere two months and twenty-six days  after his death in April,  the Vatican will officially open the cause for beatification... Read more


Pope to vacation in Italian alps

Jun 27, 2005

According to an announcement from the Prefecture of the Pontifical Household at the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI will spend much... Read more

Pope appeals for a prudent driving: "life is precious and unique”

Jun 26, 2005

During the recitation of the Angelus yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI addressed tens of thousands of faithful in St. Peter's Square.... Read more


Benedict XVI to attend televised concert at the Vatican

Jun 26, 2005

In what will be his first appearance since the beginning of his pontificate in a televised performance at the Vatican,... Read more

“A healthy laicism of the State does not exclude ethical references”, the Pope says.

Jun 23, 2005

During his first official visit with the Italian President, Pope Benedict XVI reaffirmed the legitimacy of a “a healthy laicism... Read more

Benedict XVI sees “positive signs” for reconciliation in Holy Land

Jun 22, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI addressed the question of peace in the Holy Land today and said  “certain positive signs” in the... Read more


Pope Benedict launches new book, affirms Church teaching on abortion

Jun 21, 2005

Only two months after his election, Pope Benedict XVI has published his first book. In it, he defends the Catholic... Read more

Do not fear snares of evildoers who want to destroy human values, Pope says

Jun 21, 2005

Speaking before some 31,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Wednesday General Audience,  Pope Benedict XVI spoke on... Read more


Campaign for Pope John Paul II’s beatification goes online

Jun 21, 2005

Just one week before the official opening of the beatification process for Pope John Paul II, Catholics worldwide are invited... Read more

Benedict XVI trip to World Youth Day in Cologne officially announced

Jun 20, 2005

The Holy See Press Office Director, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, officially announced today Pope Benedict's first foreign trip -- a four-day visit... Read more


Pope chats with journalists in casual meeting

Jun 20, 2005

In yet another unexpected move and show of warmth, Pope Benedict XVI spoke with journalists casually for a few minutes... Read more

Benedict XVI reminds faithful that Christian charity is nourished by participating in the Eucharist

Jun 19, 2005

From his office window, Pope Benedict XVI reminded all the people gathered to hear him in St. Peter’s Square on... Read more