Latest Catholic News


Archbishop of Dublin criticizes Irish who use cocaine and then wonder about violence

Oct 15, 2007

Ireland has experienced a dramatic increase in its wealth over the last several years. Along with this surge of income,... Read more


The AP mistakenly reports that Pope approves of ‘therapeutic cloning’

Oct 15, 2007

While gaffes by the secular press covering religion are somewhat common and often humorous, they usually aren’t as bad as... Read more


Planned Parenthood wins fight for California funding bill

Oct 15, 2007

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, has signed a special bill favored by Planned Parenthood to increase Medi-Cal rates for... Read more

Archbishop Basile Georges Casmoussa

Iraqi archbishop denies kidnapped priests have been released

Oct 15, 2007

The Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, Basile Georges Casmoussa, has denied a report by the Aina news agency that four... Read more


Catholic-Orthodox dialogue draws to a close, theme for next meeting is the role of the Pope

Oct 15, 2007

The 10th plenary assembly of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox, held in the Italian... Read more


Bishops endorse Christian-Muslim dialogue, provide guidelines for improvement

Oct 15, 2007

An association of various national bishops' conferences in western Africa has issued a communiqué encouraging Christian-Muslim dialogue as "the only... Read more


Fatima opens “one of the world’s largest churches” in time for 90th anniversary

Oct 15, 2007

One of the largest churches in the world was dedicated on Sunday in Fatima, Portugal one of the most popular... Read more


Making progress: 40 Days for Life - Sacramento, update days 12-14

Oct 15, 2007

We seem to be having an impact on Planned Parenthood, 29th and B Street, downtown Sacramento, where we are holding... Read more


Governor Schwarzenegger vetoes homosexual marriage bill

Oct 15, 2007

California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a same-sex marriage bill, the Associated Press reports. Read more


Pro-life spokeswoman: Abortion study "lost in ideological fog"

Oct 15, 2007

Deirdre McQuade, an official for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has criticized a recent study by the Allan... Read more


Apostolic Nuncio to Mexico speaks about death threats against Cardinal Rivera

Oct 15, 2007

The Apostolic Nuncio in Mexico, Archbishop Christophe Pierre, said this week the “State has the duty to guarantee security for... Read more


Cardinal Bertone’s new book reveals details of his encounters with the “last visionary of Fatima”

Oct 15, 2007

“The Last Visionary of Fatima. My Conversations with Sister Lucia,” is the title of a new book by Vatican Secretary... Read more

Cardinal George Pell of Sydney, Australia

Catholics cannot accept contraception, says Australian cardinal

Oct 15, 2007

In his recent book “God and Caesar,” the Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal George Pell, said a “common heresy of our... Read more


Sacred music safeguards tradition of the Church and is of greater value than any other art, Pope says

Oct 15, 2007

During a visit on Saturday to the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, Pope Benedict XVI called on the Church’s leaders... Read more


Vatican suspends official over reports of homosexual acts

Oct 15, 2007

The director of the Holy See’s Press Office, Father Federico Lombardi, confirmed this weekend that a Vatican official has been... Read more

Salvation brings more than health, it gives you a new life, says Pope Benedict

Oct 15, 2007

Yesterday at noon, Pope Benedict XVI appeared at the window of his study to pray the Angelus with thousands of... Read more


Pope appeals for release of two priests abducted in Iraq

Oct 14, 2007

Pope Benedict launched an appeal for two priests who were kidnapped in Mosul, Iraq following yesterday's Angelus prayers.  Read more

The newly restored Bronze Door to the Apostolic Palace

Pope Benedict XVI opens his house to the world

Oct 13, 2007

At the reopening of the Bronze Door of the Apostolic Palace today, Pope Benedict had a message for the world. “The... Read more


HLI President predicts financial martyrdom for believers

Oct 12, 2007

Father Thomas J. Euteneur, president of Human Life International, said Christian martyrdom will take on different forms in the future. ... Read more

Political expert examines the Catholic Vote for 2008

Oct 12, 2007

If the United States presidential race comes down to candidates Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Clinton, the Catholic vote will swing... Read more