Latest Catholic News


British TV documentary reveals Islamic preaching of hatred against Jews and Christians

Feb 9, 2007

A television documentary recorded in secret inside numerous mosques in Great Britain reportedly uncovered disturbing evidence that various British imans... Read more


Italian journalist calls for creation of Catholic Anti-Defamation League to combat ‘ideological manipulation’ of history

Feb 9, 2007

Catholic journalist Vittorio Messori has called for the creation of a Catholic “Anti-Defamation League” in order to combat what he... Read more


Many protest Italian Cabinet’s approval of new rights for unmarried couples

Feb 9, 2007

The Italian Cabinet approved proposed legislation Thursday granting legal rights to unmarried heterosexual and same-sex couples. Many, including the Italian... Read more


Don’t squelch debate on faith and evolution in public schools, says Cardinal Schoenborn

Feb 9, 2007

A prominent cardinal condemned a two-year-old U.S. court decision that bars a Pennsylvania school district from teaching “intelligent design”.  Read more


US bishops urge congress to address moral, environmental implications of climate change

Feb 9, 2007

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is urging Congress to address the moral and environmental dimensions of global climate... Read more


Vatican representative tells UN: rights of workers, families, must precede any sustainable world development

Feb 9, 2007

Workers and workers rights must be at the forefront of all sustainable development efforts, urged the Vatican’s permanent observer to... Read more

Pope Benedict lends full support to international project aimed at combating pandemic disease

Feb 9, 2007

Speaking today at the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI called a new initiative aimed at combating pandemic disease an effort of... Read more

Pope lauds Colombia’s Catholic heritage, challenges country to search for peace, social reforms

Feb 9, 2007

In an address given at the Vatican Friday, Pope Benedict applauded efforts of the Central American nation of Colombia toward... Read more

Totalitarianism is on the march in Venezuela, archbishop warns

Feb 8, 2007

In a forceful editorial this week, Archbishop Ovidio Perez Morales, one of the most respected Church leaders in Venezuela denounced... Read more

Vatican curtly denies Italian media rumors

Feb 8, 2007

In a brief but firm communiqué Thursday morning, Father Federico Lombardi S.J., Director of the Holy See’s Press Office, denied... Read more


Condoms not the answer for Zambian pandemic, AIDS-fighting nun says

Feb 8, 2007

Preaching chastity and fidelity are “the only way” to tackle an AIDS pandemic sweeping Zambia, according to a nun who... Read more


Costa Rican Archbishop: Catholic education is key for evangelization

Feb 8, 2007

In a message to the faithful on the occasion of the beginning of the 2007 school year in Costa Rica,... Read more


Nicaraguan Cardinal expresses openness to proposal to head reconciliation commission

Feb 8, 2007

Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, Archbishop Emeritus of Managua, said this week that he was open to accepting a proposal... Read more


“Education for Citizenship” disfigures truth about man, says Spanish cardinal

Feb 8, 2007

In comments this week about a controversial school course which the Spanish government wants mandated throughout the country, Cardinal Antonio... Read more


Growing number of seniors fear being euthanized, group reports

Feb 8, 2007

Family Life International says an increasing number of elderly New Zealanders are concerned about being euthanized by medical staff. Read more

Pontiff highlights importance and vitality of new movements and charisms

Feb 8, 2007

The Pope today received participants in the annual meeting of bishops, friends of the "Focolare" movement, who are considering the... Read more


Bishop said situation of Czech Church “not easy”

Feb 8, 2007

Bishop Vojtech Cikrle, Bishop of Brno, Moravia, spoke with Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) recently, telling the Catholic... Read more


Archdiocese to cooperate with judge’s order to open personnel files

Feb 8, 2007

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee will cooperate with a judge’s order to release 3,000 pages of insurance records and confidential files... Read more


Students prepare for Annual Day of Purity, Feb. 14

Feb 8, 2007

Students across the United States and around the world will be celebrating St. Valentine's Day by educating their peers on... Read more


Cardinal urges Portugal to reject abortion in upcoming vote

Feb 8, 2007

Portugal's top cleric urged followers to reject abortion as the predominantly Catholic country heads into a weekend referendum on whether... Read more