Latest Catholic News


Pro-life coalition to protest Democratic National Convention

Sep 20, 2007

The Christian Defense Coalition has announced its plans to protest the August 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver.  Read more


Benedict XVI greets Chief Rabbi of Rome on Jewish feast

Sep 20, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI has sent “most cordial and sincere best wishes” to the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Riccardo Di Segni,... Read more


Vatican inaugurates new Philatelic and Numismatic Museum

Sep 20, 2007

On September 25 the new Philatelic and Numismatic (Stamp and Coin) Museum on the Vatican Hill will be inaugurated as... Read more


“Little victims” of family breakdown multiply in wake of express divorce in Spain

Sep 20, 2007

In only two years Spain’s express divorce law has lead to an increase of 50% in the number of children... Read more


Man rows gondola to St. Peter's to raise money for charity

Sep 20, 2007

A man has rowed his gondola from Venice to Rome in an effort to raise money for African children and... Read more


Hundreds witness miracle of St. Januarius in Naples

Sep 20, 2007

As has occurred each year for the last 400 years, the liquefaction of the blood of St. Januarius took place... Read more

The Bishop of Ibiza Vincente Segura

Diocese of Ibiza threatens lawsuit over pornographic religious images

Sep 20, 2007

The Diocese of Ibiza in Spain announced on Wednesday it would launch legal action against the Ibiza Museum of Contemporary... Read more

Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo, North Dakota

Bishop Aquila urges priests to pray before abortion facility

Sep 20, 2007

Bishop Samuel Aquila of Fargo is strongly urging his priests to imitate him by praying for one hour in front... Read more


Bishops of Benin, continue to speak out for the oppressed and to integrate your culture with the faith

Sep 20, 2007

The Bishops of Benin, a country in western African situated on the northern coast of the Gulf of Guinea, completed... Read more

German archdiocese decries celebration of MTV awards on All Saints’ Day

Sep 19, 2007

The Archdiocese of Munich has asked the mayor of that city, Christian Ude, to revoke the permission granted for the... Read more


Pope looks with hope towards “blessed day” of full unity between Catholics and Orthodox

Sep 19, 2007

The Holy Father has sent a message to the 10th Inter-Christian Symposium, dedicated to dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox. Pope... Read more


Fundraising underway for new Italian chapel at the Basilica of the National Shrine

Sep 19, 2007

A new Italian chapel, representing the nation’s Italian heritage, will be constructed in the Basilica of the National Shrine of... Read more


Study finds sexual orientation can be changed through religious mediation

Sep 19, 2007

A new study has found that it is possible to change one's sexual orientation through religious mediation. Study findings were... Read more


Diocese of Pittsburgh voluntarily sets up $1.25 million fund for abuse victims

Sep 19, 2007

The Diocese of Pittsburgh has voluntarily set up a $1.25-million fund to settle with the victims of 32 cases of... Read more


Spaniards not asking for euthanasia; it’s only the government’s agenda, say scientists

Sep 19, 2007

The spokesperson for the scientific organization Hay Alternativas (There Are Alternatives), Gador Joya, criticized Spain’s Minister of Justice, Mariano Fernandez... Read more


Apostolic Nuncio calls for respect for human life in Dominican Republic

Sep 19, 2007

Amidst a debate on the eventual legalization of abortion, the Apostolic Nuncio to the Dominican Republic, Archbishop Timothy Broglio called... Read more


Maryland appeals court rules marriage is between a man and a woman

Sep 19, 2007

The state appeals court of Maryland ruled yesterday that marriage in the state can only be between a man and... Read more


Author says Church played a key role in fighting discrimination

Sep 19, 2007

Historian Kenneth Burt, a member of Presentation Parish in Sacramento, is the author of a new book titled “The Search... Read more


Catholic leaders hosting three events in DC for Week of Prayer and Fasting

Sep 19, 2007

Washington will host three national events for the 15th Annual International Week of Prayer and Fasting next month. The goals... Read more


Archbishop of Krakow writes screenplay about life with John Paul II

Sep 19, 2007

The archbishop of Krakow, Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, who was John Paul II’s personal secretary, will contribute to a film entitled,... Read more