Latest Catholic News

Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis

Archbishop Burke: public figures must receive Holy Communion worthily

Oct 2, 2007

In an essay certain to have an impact on American politics, Archbishop Raymond Burke of the Archdiocese of St. Louis... Read more


International Theological Commission examines “universal system of ethics”

Oct 2, 2007

In its annual plenary session, the International Theological Commission plans to discuss natural moral law in a document aimed to... Read more


Pope shows his appreciation to director of Vatican newspaper

Oct 2, 2007

In a letter to Mario Agnes, Pope Benedict XVI expressed his deep gratitude to the head of the Vatican newspaper,... Read more

Archbishop Dominique Mamberti the secretary for Relations with States

Archbishop Mamberti to the UN: Renew the protection of human rights

Oct 2, 2007

On Monday at the United Nations in New York, Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, the Vatican’s secretary for Relations with States, took... Read more


Don't blame the children - Senate should OK plan for kids of illegals

Oct 1, 2007

By Bishop Thomas Wenski

Comprehensive immigration reform midwifed by Florida Republican Sen. Mel Martinez was stillborn earlier this summer. The consequences of this failure... Read more

Fr. Conde denying communion to one of the abortion supporters (photo: La Prensa)

Abortion supporters disrupt Mass at Cathedral of Managua, attempt to receive Communion

Oct 1, 2007

Just yesterday, feminists and pro-abortion supporters interrupted Mass at the Cathedral of Managua in Nicaragua and attempted to receive Holy... Read more


Six priests ordained bishops by Pope Benedict on the Feast of the Archangels

Oct 1, 2007

On Saturday in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Benedict XVI ordained six priests as bishops and spoke about how they should... Read more


Bishop reminds Muslims: There is no Iraq without Christians

Oct 1, 2007

During a dinner with 150 Muslim representatives marking the end of Ramadan, Archbishop Louis Sako said, “There is no Iraq... Read more


Pope mourns death of first archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia

Oct 1, 2007

Pope Benedict XVI sent a telegram last Friday expressing his condolences at the death of Cardinal Adam Kozlowiecki, a Jesuit... Read more


Hundreds of thousands celebrate feast of Our Lady of the Rosary in Argentina

Oct 1, 2007

More than 800,000 people from across Argentina and other countries gathered at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary... Read more

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

House Speaker Pelosi criticized for dismissing blasphemous ad, indecent festival

Oct 1, 2007

Following controversy over San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair and its lewd, profane advertisements, United States House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has... Read more

Michigan Catholic Conference launches stem cell education campaign

Oct 1, 2007

Michigan Catholics will soon receive educational material about stem cell research from the Michigan Catholic Conference explaining how the use... Read more


Missionary priest killed in Sri Lanka

Oct 1, 2007

The SIR news agency is reporting that Father Nicholas Pillai Packiya Ranjith, a diocesan missionary priest, was killed in Sri... Read more


Archbishop Gomez: journalists can’t tell America’s story without religion

Oct 1, 2007

In an address to the annual conference of the Religion Newswriters' Association, Archbishop José Gomez of the Archdiocese of San... Read more


Myanmar Catholic clergy avoid protests, urge prayer and fasting

Oct 1, 2007

The massive protests against Myanmar's military rulers have included thousands of Buddhist monks facing military troops and riot police armed... Read more


I hope for a peaceful solution and give my assurances of intense prayer, says Pope about Myanmar

Oct 1, 2007

Yesterday afternoon when he had finished reciting the Angelus, Pope Benedict said that he hoped that a peaceful solution can... Read more


Benedict XVI’s prayer intentions for the month of October

Oct 1, 2007

Pope Benedict's intentions for the month of October are focused on the theme of bearing witness. They are as follows... Read more

Bishop Aquila led the prayers of the rosary at North Dakota’s only abortion facility

Sep 30, 2007

Facing the busy street in front of the state of North Dakota’s only abortion facility this morning, Most Rev. Samuel... Read more

Holy Father’s Angelus on the proper use of riches

Sep 30, 2007

The Holy Father gave his angelus address today on the theme of today’s Gospel: “The rich man symbolizes the iniquitous... Read more


Nation's largest wireless provider allows pro-abortion text messages

Sep 28, 2007

Earlier this morning Verizon chose to reverse yesterday’s decision that Naral Pro-choice America could not send text messages on their... Read more