Latest Catholic News


Mel Gibson donates $140,000 to keep cross in LA county seal

Jul 8, 2004

Mel Gibson is reportedly planning to spend more than $140,000 to keep a cross on a government seal in Los... Read more


Pope calls for solidarity to end poor countries' debt

Jul 8, 2004

In a letter to Cardinal Renato Martino president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Holy Father called... Read more


European court denies personhood and human rights to unborn child

Jul 8, 2004

The European Court of Human Rights meeting in Strasbourg, France,  rejected  an immigrant’s appeal requesting that human rights be granted... Read more


Young pro-lifers walking for life from Maine to DC arrive in NY

Jul 8, 2004

12  pro-life Catholic college students walking from Maine to D.C. as part of the American Life League's “Summer Crusade for... Read more


Homosexual activists influence sex-ed content in public schools of Buenos Aires

Jul 8, 2004

The news agency Notivida is denouncing a controversial sex-ed curriculum written by the extremist Gay and Lesbian Society for Integration... Read more


Jail sentences for two men that disrupted Mass in German Cathedral

Jul 8, 2004

A German court in Maguncia has sentenced two men to 5 months in jail for disrupting Mass last Sunday celebrated... Read more


Cardinal Rouco tells homosexuals baptism cannot be erased

Jul 8, 2004

Responding to the decision of about 1,500 homosexuals who “officially” renounced their Catholic faith in writing to the Archdiocese of... Read more


90 year-old Spanish priest starts center for AIDS patients in China

Jul 8, 2004

90 year-old Spanish priest, Fr. Luis Ruiz Suarez, has opened a home for AIDS patients called “AIDS Caring Centre” in... Read more

Vatican Budget is in the red, but church offerings are up, Cardinal reports

Jul 7, 2004

A supervisory committee of eight cardinals headed by Cardinal Sergio Sebastiani announced yesterday that the Vatican budget is in the... Read more


Cardinal Keeler warns against use of U.S. funds for embryonic stem-cell research

Jul 7, 2004

The United States Congress should not authorize the use of federal funds to support embryonic stem-cell research, says William Cardinal... Read more


Center for Religious Freedom asks African Union to press Eritrea for the release of Christians

Jul 7, 2004

Freedom House’s Center for Religious Freedom called yesterday upon African Union leaders currently meeting in Addis Ababa to press the... Read more


U.S. bishops urge Senate to protect child victims of human trafficking

Jul 7, 2004

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called on the Senate to protect children, exploited by human trafficking in the... Read more


Archbishop Chaput to speak on Catholics and politics on public radio

Jul 7, 2004

Colorado Public Radio will feature an in-depth interview with Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver about the Catholic Church and politics. Read more


Study reveals that half of all pregnant teens in Spain get abortions

Jul 7, 2004

A study carried out by a leading research group has revealed that half of all minors in Spain who get... Read more


Nicaraguan former guerrilla acknowledges errors of the past and asks Church for forgiveness

Jul 7, 2004

In an historical move, the ex-president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega (1979-90), who lead the Sandinista movement, has asked forgiveness for... Read more


Vaclav Havel says Cuban “Varela Project” proves Castro “is a fraud”

Jul 7, 2004

The former president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel, has sent a letter to the promoters of the Varela Project—which... Read more


Pro-abortion politicians must refrain from receiving communion, says Bishop of Winona

Jul 7, 2004

Bishop Bernard Harrington of Winona (Minnesota) wrote in his weekly column that anyone supporting abortion rights should not approach the... Read more


Controversy over Communion to pro-abortion politicians continues

Jul 6, 2004

The controversy over the memorandum sent by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,... Read more


Portland Archdiocese files for bankruptcy

Jul 6, 2004

The Archdiocese of Portland has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.  Archbishop John G. Vlazny made the announcement yesterday, citing the... Read more


Catholic Charities mobilizes to save low-income housing program

Jul 6, 2004

Catholic Charities agencies across the United States are mobilizing to defeat the Bush Administration's proposal that would restructure and gut... Read more