Latest Catholic News


National Right to Life regrets strong pro-abortion record of Kerry's running mate

Jul 6, 2004

The National Right to Life Committee released yesterday a statement lamenting that "with John Edwards, Kerry has selected a running... Read more


Meeting on how to promote development to be held at the Vatican

Jul 6, 2004

On July 9 in the office of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in the Vatican, an international study... Read more


Why does UNICEF support Muslim, not Christian schools? Sudanese bishop asks

Jul 6, 2004

Bishop Daniel Adwok, Auxiliary of Khartoum (Sudan), has questioned the decision taken by UNICEF not to give funds to the... Read more


American Life League speaks out against Senate’s opposition to Catholic judge nomination

Jul 6, 2004

The nation's largest pro-life grassroots organization is outraged by members of the United States Senate in their attempts to block... Read more


Canadian Catholic organization sends $170,000 to Sudan and Chad in emergency aid

Jul 6, 2004

The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace has sent $170,000 to assist refugees in eastern Chad and the Darfur... Read more


Socialists “want to take us back to the time of the Muslim invasion,” says Spanish Cardinal

Jul 6, 2004

The president of the Bishops Conference of Spain, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, criticized this week the presence of a... Read more


Debate over nomination of pro-abortion justice causes Argentinean government to take pro-life stand

Jul 6, 2004

As tension mounts concerning the possible nomination of Carmen Argibay, an open pro-abortion justice, to the Argentinean Supreme Court, President... Read more

Pope appoints a US Bishop to a Jamaican diocese

Jul 5, 2004

Pope John Paul II has appointed Bishop Gordon Dunlap Bennett, S.J., Auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, U.S.A., as Bishop... Read more


Two sexual abuse cases likely to be heard in Portland today

Jul 5, 2004

Barring an out-of-court settlement, two cases on the alleged sexual abuse of children by a Portland priest are scheduled to... Read more


Pope appoints special envoy for the 50th Anniversary of the Basilica of Lisieux, home of the "Little Flower"

Jul 5, 2004

Made public today was a Letter by the Pope, written in Latin and dated June 11, in which he appointed... Read more


Teens urged to join 'Catholic revolution' at Steubenville

Jul 5, 2004

More than 2,100 teens from 13 states and Canada were encouraged to "rise up and join a Catholic revolution" at... Read more


Jesuits' world leader to visit Alabama

Jul 5, 2004

The Jesuits’ congregational leader will visit Alabama this fall to help mark the 175th anniversary of Spring Hill College and... Read more


Catholic Charity calls for day of prayer for the "silent Church"

Jul 5, 2004

The "Fundacao Ajuda à Igreja que Sofre", Portuguese branch of the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need... Read more


Special rosary prayed for release of Cuban political prisoners

Jul 5, 2004

Representatives of various opposition movements gathered together in Old Havana this weekend to pray a special rosary for the release... Read more


Archbishop of Toledo calls on Catholic politicians to reject homosexual “marriage”

Jul 5, 2004

The Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain, Antonio Cañizares, reminded “Catholic lawmakers” this week of their “serious responsibility” to... Read more


Worry over possible lack of control of subsidized Islam classes in Spain

Jul 5, 2004

The Chair of Arabic Literature at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Serafin Fanjul, is expressing his fear that the Spanish... Read more


President of Nicaragua denies trying to control the Church

Jul 5, 2004

President Enrique Bolaños of Nicaragua is denying reports that his government is attempting “to control” the Catholic Church in the... Read more


Education must help in "being more" rather than "having more," Pope says

Jul 4, 2004

In an address this morning to the 100 participants of the European education symposium entitled  “The Challenges of Education: Recovery,... Read more


Kerry on his Catholicism again: says he "hates abortion" but won't impose his view on others

Jul 4, 2004

A newspaper in Iowa revealed yesterday that Presidential Candidate John F. Kerry hates abortion and believes that life begins at... Read more


Pope appoints new Auxliary Bishop in Baltimore

Jul 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II appointed on Saturday Msgr. Thomas Mitchell Rozanski, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Severna... Read more