Latest Catholic News


Catholic and Orthodox can recover Europe's Christian soul, Pope says

Jul 4, 2004

Speaking of the recent visit to Rome of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I as he addressed the crowds of faithful who... Read more


Before leaving to the Italian Alps, Pope wishes time of rest to workers

Jul 4, 2004

After the Angelus prayer, John Paul II said that he had accepted an invitation by the bishop of Aosta and... Read more


Pope will not go to Mexico, but will close International Eucharistic Congress via satellite

Jul 4, 2004

The  Vatican Press office announced on Saturday that Pope John II will not go to Mexico to participate at the... Read more


Jewish-Catholic Committee meets in Argentina

Jul 4, 2004

The 18th meeting of the International Catholic-Jewish Liaison Committee, organized by the Holy See Commission for Religious Relations with Jews... Read more


Group mobilizes Catholics, organizes petition to support marriage amendment

Jul 4, 2004

Catholics in the United States have organized a petition in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, on which the Senate... Read more


Catholic League challenges U.S. senators to vote for Catholic judge

Jul 4, 2004

The Catholic League is calling on U.S. senators to demonstrate that they do not hold an anti-Catholic bias in rejecting... Read more


Church groups can include message on home version of Gibson film

Jul 4, 2004

This year’s most talked about movie, “The Passion of The Christ”, will make its highly anticipated debut on DVD and... Read more


Canada’s largest diocese to lose two auxiliary bishops

Jul 4, 2004

The Archdiocese of Montreal, Canada’s largest diocese, will be short two auxiliary bishops as of September.  Read more


Knights urged to ‘make crucial difference’ in Federal Marriage Amendment

Jul 1, 2004

The 1.5 million U.S. members of the Knights of Columbus are urged to “make the crucial difference” in the debate... Read more


Common resolution signed by Pope and Orthodox Patriarch confirms "desire to reach full communion"

Jul 1, 2004

At the end of their meeting yesterday afternoon, Pope John Paul II and Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I signed a Common... Read more


In farewell meeting Pope and Orthodox Patriarch vow to remain in "communion in prayer and fraternal charity."

Jul 1, 2004

The Holy Father and the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I together gave thanks to God for the fraternity and  signified... Read more


General Assembly agrees to upgrade status of the Holy See at the UN

Jul 1, 2004

Yesterday, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, the General Assembly adopted a Resolution, submitted as a presidential text,... Read more


Cleveland bishop will not deny Communion to pro-abortion Catholic politicians

Jul 1, 2004

In a long statement to the faithful of his diocese, Bishop Anthony M. Pilla of Cleveland announced that he would... Read more


Archdiocese of Los Angeles to challenge California law on abuse victims

Jul 1, 2004

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles plans to petition a federal judge and request to join a constitutional challenge to a... Read more


Seminary in San Antonio to launch expansion campaign

Jul 1, 2004

A seminary in the American Southwest, which is in the midst of an expansion campaign, has welcomed a new leader. ... Read more


Government announces federal funding to teach and spread Islam in Spain

Jul 1, 2004

The Spanish Justice Minister, Juan Fernando Lopez Aguilar, expressed this week the willingness of the government to provide federal funding... Read more


Italian reporter to release Cardinal Ratzinger’s full letter to US Bishops on denying communion

Jul 1, 2004

The dean of Italian Vatican journalists, Sandro Magister of the weekly L’Espresso, will release tomorrow a story on the debate... Read more

Expert explains disturbing logic of beheadings by Muslim extremists

Jun 30, 2004

The recent beheading of American Paul Johnson in Saudi Arabia by Muslim extremists is not simply an attack against Americans... Read more


Second largest church in the world dedicated to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina

Jun 30, 2004

The hundreds of pilgrims who each year visit the Italian village of San Giovanni Rotondo to pray to Padre Pio... Read more


Pope prays for "spiritual" vacation season, young churches

Jun 30, 2004

The Holy Father's general prayer intention for the month of July is: "That all those who are able to benefit... Read more