Latest Catholic News


The Bible is a source of light for human behavior, Pope says

Apr 19, 2004

In a brief address to the participants at the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, Pope John Paul II... Read more


Pope to proclaim six new blessed, including Polish prince turned priest

Apr 19, 2004

Next Sunday, April 25, Pope John Paul II will proclaim six new Blessed, including a Polish prince turned priest and... Read more


Congregation for the Laity to celebrate 20th Anniversary of “Cross of the Youth”

Apr 19, 2004

The Pontifical Council for the Laity will mark the 20th anniversary of the handing over of the Cross to young... Read more


Catholic law center seeks to intervene and protect marriage

Apr 19, 2004

The Thomas More Law Center is one of three Christian-based public interest law firms that is representing five parties in... Read more


Franciscan Superior: optional celibacy and women priests not the solution

Apr 19, 2004

During a conference of the Association of Religious News Journalists, the Minister General of the Friars Minors, Fr. José Rodríguez... Read more


Two U.S. dioceses to close parishes due to priest shortage

Apr 19, 2004

Two U.S. dioceses have announced new parish reorganization plans to deal with the shortage of priests and a sharp decline... Read more


Capital campaigning picks up in Catholic schools

Apr 19, 2004

In an attempt to maintain quality education and keep enrollment up, Catholic schools in Boston have taken to marketing and... Read more


Chilean bishop: “Do not abort your child, give him to someone who will take care of him”

Apr 19, 2004

Bishop Cristian Claro of Puerto Montt, Chile, criticized this week the decision of the Chilean government to distribute the morning... Read more


Guatemalan Cardinal warns of social unrest

Apr 19, 2004

Cardinal Rodolfo Quezada Toruño, President of the Guatemalan Bishops Conference, is warning that social unrest could result if a "poltical"... Read more


Catholic Church in New Zealand launches campaign against same-sex marriage

Apr 19, 2004

The same-sex marriage debate has moved on to New Zealand and the Catholic Church there is readied for the battle. Read more

Vatican clears the way for new saints, including American “Angel of Molokai”

Apr 18, 2004

On Monday morning, in the presence of Pope John Paul, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints promulgated 15 new... Read more


Instruction with liturgical norms on the Eucharist to be "released" on Friday

Apr 18, 2004

On  Friday, April 23  the Vatican will present  the Instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of... Read more


Pope calls for kidnappers to release hostages out of humanity

Apr 18, 2004

On Sunday, at the end of the noon prayer of the Regina Caeli, Pope John Paul called for kidnappers of... Read more


Colorado’s politicians react to Denver archbishop’s strong words

Apr 18, 2004

Archbishop Charles Chaput’s recent opinion column created a stir among Colorado politicians after he stated that Catholic politicians must advocate... Read more


The Gospel is guide to understanding history, says Pope

Apr 18, 2004

In a message addressed to the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, which is celebrating the 50th anniversary of its founding,... Read more


The Philippines are “a light” for evangelization of Asia, Pope says

Apr 18, 2004

“The Philippines is truly a ‘light’ for the evangelization of the Asian continent,” said John Paul II  on Monday morning... Read more


Floridians to vote on parental notification law

Apr 18, 2004

On November 2, the voters of Florida will not only play a decisive role in the presidential elections, they will... Read more


Expert confirms abortifacient nature of morning after pill

Apr 18, 2004

As debate continues about the inclusion of the morning after pill in family planning programs throughout Latin America, an expert... Read more


After hectic Holy Week, Pope goes on mountain excursion

Apr 15, 2004

The Vatican Press office announced on Friday, that owing to the strenuous liturgical ceremonies of Holy Week and Easter, Pope... Read more


Ignorance of ancient languages threatens historical studies, Pontifical Council says

Apr 15, 2004

The Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, founded in 1954 by Pope Pius XII, realeased a statement on the occasion of... Read more