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Pope Francis with a group of disabled children, led by Unitalsi Lazio in Santa Martha on May 29, 2015.

When it comes to migration, children are the first to suffer, Pope says

Oct 13, 2016

By Elise Harris

As images of children crushed by bombs or washed up at sea are becoming an increasingly daily sight, Pope Francis’... Read more

A CRS tent aiding refugees and migrants in Europe.

Do something about forced migration, cardinal exhorts UN

Sep 20, 2016

By Hannah Brockhaus

The Vatican Secretary of State pleaded Monday for an increased commitment from the international community in addressing the root causes... Read more

Pope Francis speaks with the Diplomatic Corps Ac

Your job is to give voice to the suffering, Pope tells new ambassadors

May 19, 2016

By Elise Harris

As six new ambassadors to the Holy See presented Pope Francis with their credentials, the pontiff stressed that as representatives... Read more

A Syrian refugee family prepares to board the papal plane from Lesbos to Rome with Pope Francis April 16, 2016.

As he leaves Greece, Pope Francis takes 12 refugees with him

Apr 16, 2016

By Elise Harris

After traveling to the Greek island of Lesbos, a primary entry point for refugees seeking passage into Europe, Pope Francis... Read more

Sabriya Yaqubi and her daughter Hasti at the Caritas Athens Refugee Centre in Athens, Greece.

Could Pope Francis' visit to Greece be a game-changer for refugees?

Apr 15, 2016

By Kevin J. Jones

Pope Francis’ visit with refugees and migrants in Greece this Saturday could be a moment of leadership at a time... Read more

Pope Francis performing the rite of the washing of feet at a Holy Thursday Mass said at Rebibbia prison, Rome, April 2, 2015.

Pope Francis to wash the feet of migrants on Holy Thursday

Mar 22, 2016

By Elise Harris

After spending previous years washing the feet of inmates and disabled persons on Holy Thursday, this year Pope Francis will... Read more

Pope Francis speaks to the Diplomatic Corps Ac

Pope to diplomats: Migrants present challenges, but don't forget their dignity

Jan 11, 2016

By Elise Harris

On Monday Pope Francis gave his first major speech of the year to the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy... Read more

Young refugees play games as they wait for Pope Francis to visit in Istanbul, Turkey on Nov. 30, 2014.

To welcome a migrant is to welcome God himself, Pope says

Oct 1, 2015

By Elise Harris

In his message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees Pope Francis recognized the challenges involved with welcoming migrants,... Read more

Syrian and Iraqi refugees at a church in Jordan.

US bishops ready to welcome refugees from Syrian civil war

Sep 11, 2015

As Europe's migrant crisis worsens, fuelled in part by Syria's lengthy civil war, the head of the U.S. bishops' conference... Read more

Jean-Clement Jeanbart, Melkite Archbishop of Aleppo, speaks at the KoC Conference in Philadelphia, while Bashar Warda, Chaldean Archbishop of Erbil, looks on, Aug. 4, 2015.

If you won't help our people stay, help them leave - Catholic bishops from the Middle East

Aug 5, 2015

By Mary Farrow

Catholic archbishops from Iraq and Syria said Tuesday that while they hope to help their people stay in the Middle... Read more

A drawing by a young child in immigration detention for the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention 2014.

'A dark day for Australia': Church laments detention of child asylum seekers

Feb 13, 2015

A report detailing the profoundly negative effects of the long-term detention of children seeking asylum in Australia has led Church... Read more

Migrants at Lampedusa, who flee such situations as the instability in Libya and war and terror in Iraq and Syria.

Political instability, war, and terrorism know no borders – Vatican official

Feb 4, 2015

By Andrea Gagliarducci

As the Vatican's Secretary of State addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean on Monday regarding the shared challenge of... Read more

Survivors and family members of African migrants who perished in a 2013 shipwreck near Lampedusa in the Mediterranean sea leave an audience with the Pope, Oct. 1, 2014.

For refugees, Spanish bishops propose 'a Church without borders'

Jan 13, 2015

The Spanish bishops have released a message for their nation's Day of the Immigrant and Refugee, which will be held... Read more

Boats filled with asylum seekers cross the sea towards Australia.

Australian Catholic migrant office slams new asylum seekers law

Dec 10, 2014

The Australian bishops' office for migrants and refugees has termed “unethical” legislation signed into law last week that gives the... Read more

Pope Francis visits the Brazilian community of Varginha July 25, 2013.

Pope denounces 'racist, xenophobic' attitudes toward immigrants

Jul 15, 2014

By Elise Harris

In his message for the Mexico-Holy See Colloquium on Migration and Development Pope Francis called for a change in the... Read more

Pope Francis leads the Bishops of Italy in a solemn Profession of Faith in St. Peter's Basilica for their 65th General Assembly May 23, 2013

Pope Francis decries arms trade as hindrance to peace

May 15, 2014

By Elise Harris

Upon receiving the credentials of seven new ambassadors to the Holy See, Pope Francis urged the diplomats to work for... Read more

Vietnamese youth receiving a blessing and Easter eggs following the Mass at Chair of St. Peter parish in Bangkok, April 20, 2014.

Easter celebration strengthens Vietnamese migrants in Thailand

Apr 23, 2014

Scores of Catholic migrants from Vietnam gathered across Thailand on Sunday to celebrate Christ's Resurrection with the traditions of their... Read more