Colombia peace process

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God “is our peace” and “prayer leads us to meet him,” said the archbishop of Bogotá, Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio.

Colombian bishops call for day of prayer for peace, reconciliation in violence-torn country

May 2, 2024

By Eduardo Berdejo

The Colombian Bishops’ Conference has called on all Catholics to join the Day of the Holy Cross on May 3... Read more

Dialogue table between the ELN and the government of Colombia.

Church to accompany peace talks between Colombian government, National Liberation Army

Aug 15, 2023

By ACI Prensa

Among the issues that will be addressed, in addition to pacification, are those of agrarian reform and institutional reform in... Read more

Cathedral of Bogotá, Colombia.

The Church’s role in cease-fire between Colombian government and National Liberation Army

Jul 31, 2023

By Eduardo Berdejo

The 180-day cease-fire will go into effect Aug. 3 following what was agreed upon in the third round of talks... Read more

Pope Francis called on Colombians to “to continue along paths of reconciliation" in his June 28, 2022, message read at the Truth Commission final report in Bogotá.

Pope Francis encourages reconciliation in Colombia at Truth Commission presentation

Jun 29, 2022

By CNA Staff

A message from the pope was read at the June 28 presentation of the final report of the commission. Read more

Pope Francis waves during Regina Coeli address on May 2, 2021.

Pope Francis: To love like Christ means saying ‘no’ to love of money, vanity, power

May 9, 2021

By Courtney Mares

"To love as Jesus means ... detaching ourselves from our own human certainties, from earthly comforts, in order to open... Read more

Church in Colombia prepares for first National Day of Reconciliation

May 2, 2018

Inspired by Pope Francis' message during his 2017 visit to the country, the Church in Colombia is preparing to celebrate... Read more