Theodore McCarrick

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Then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick arrives at the Vatican on March 5, 2013.

Analysis: The non-trial of Theodore McCarrick

Jan 7, 2019

By Ed Condon

Sources at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith have confirmed that allegations against McCarrick are being considered through... Read more

Caption- James Grein speaks at the Silence Stops Now rally in Baltimore, Nov. 13, 2018.

McCarrick abused youth during confession, lawyer charges

Dec 28, 2018

By JD Flynn

A man who says he was serially sexually abused by Archbishop Theodore McCarrick testified Thursday as part of a Vatican... Read more


Where is Jesus in the midst of the Church's sex abuse crisis?

Dec 24, 2018

By Courtney Mares

Fr. Thomas Berg is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, a former Legionary of Christ, and professor of... Read more

What is the pontifical secret?

Dec 19, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Following the allegations made by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò about the case of Archbishop Theodore McCarrick, many have called for... Read more

A bishop's skullcap.

Options emerge for handling the ‘other sexual abuse crisis’

Dec 7, 2018

By Ed Condon

How the Church deals with clerical sexual misconduct when it does not involve minors remains a thorny issue, but an... Read more

Bishop Coyne, Cardinal DiNardo, and Bishop Doherty at the USCCB press conference in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 12, 2018.

Analysis: On sexual abuse, what will U.S. bishops, and the pope, do next?

Nov 26, 2018

By JD Flynn

After several confusing and turbulent weeks in the Church, it is worth asking where reform efforts stand, and where they... Read more

Voting at the USCCB autumn General Assembly in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 13, 2018. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

'What are people to make of our silence?' Bishops discuss McCarrick in Baltimore

Nov 14, 2018

By Ed Condon

The bishops of the United States resumed their open-floor discussion on the recent sexual abuse scandals facing the Church in... Read more

Voting at the USCCB autumn General Assembly in Baltimore, Md., Nov. 14, 2018. (CNS photo/Bob Roller)

US bishops punt resolution encouraging Holy See to release McCarrick documents

Nov 14, 2018

On the last day of their fall meeting, the U.S. bishops' conference voted down a resolution that would have “encouraged”... Read more

Bishops from across the United States take part in the USCCB's Fall General Assembly in Baltimore on November 11, 2013.

Archbishop McCarrick and 'Dallas 2'

Nov 1, 2018

By Ed Condon

Nov. 13 will mark sixteen years since Cardinal Bernard Law and then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick addressed the U.S. bishops’ conference on... Read more

President's Hall, Seton Hall University.

Seton Hall president condemns student harassment of seminarians

Oct 25, 2018

Dr. Mary Meehan, interim president of Seton Hall University, has issued a strongly-worded letter to the campus community following numerous... Read more

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.

Vigano letter responds to Cardinal Ouellet's charge of rebellion against pope

Oct 19, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

In a new testimony Friday, Archbishop Carlo Vigano charged that Pope Francis has been negligent in his responsibilities to the... Read more

Pope Francis greets Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Oct. 27, 2017.

Pope Francis accepts resignation of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, appoints him interim DC leader

Oct 12, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Washington’s Cardinal Donald Wuerl on Friday, while asking the cardinal to continue leading the... Read more

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo. CNA file photo.

Analysis: Do Vatican officials see abuse crisis as a referendum on the pope?

Oct 8, 2018

By JD Flynn

Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta told reporters Monday that Catholics should “trust Pope Francis that there is going to be... Read more

Cardinal Daniel DiNardo.

Cardinal DiNardo welcomes Vatican inquiry into McCarrick files

Oct 8, 2018

By Hannah Brockhaus

The president of the U.S.’ bishops’ conference said Sunday he welcomes the Vatican’s announcement of a further investigation into files... Read more

Cardinal Marc Ouellet.

Cardinal Ouellet: Vigano in ‘open and scandalous rebellion’ against Pope Francis

Oct 7, 2018

The Vatican’s prefect for the Congregation for Bishops released a letter Sunday morning refuting charges Pope Francis lifted sanctions against... Read more

Archbishop Theodore McCarrick.

Pope Francis orders review of Vatican McCarrick files

Oct 6, 2018

By JD Flynn

The Vatican announced Saturday that it would review its files pertaining to allegations of sexual misconduct on the part of... Read more

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.

Archbishop Vigano issues new letter on Pope Francis and McCarrick

Sep 27, 2018

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has issued a new letter addressing his allegation that senior prelates have been complicit in covering... Read more

Cardinal Joseph Tobin. CNA file photo

Cardinal Tobin will not attend Oct. Vatican synod

Sep 21, 2018

The Archbishop of Newark has announced that he will not attend an October gathering of bishops slated to discuss young... Read more

Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

Dolan 'impatient' waiting for apostolic visitation in response to McCarrick

Sep 20, 2018

The Archbishop of New York said Thursday that while he has confidence in the way Pope Francis is handling the... Read more


Commentary: Getting to forgiveness

Sep 19, 2018

By JD Flynn

I have spent most of this summer angry with Christ’s Church.  Read more