Human dignity

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Dr. Martin Luther King delivers his I Have a Dream speech during the March on Washington, August 28, 1963. Public Domain.

Cardinal: Fight racism with love to honor MLK's legacy

Jan 11, 2018

Americans must recommit to the fight against racism through love and faith, said the head of the U.S. bishops’ conference... Read more

This Chilean home offers hope for children with HIV

Dec 18, 2017

Fighting the scourge of discrimination that often accompanies HIV, the Santa Clara Foundation in Santiago de Chile has worked since... Read more

Australian state's lower house passes assisted suicide bill

Oct 20, 2017

A bill to legalize assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia was passed by Victoria's Legislative Assembly on Friday after 26 hours... Read more

Prescription bottle.

Assisted suicide legislation advances in Australia's Victoria state

Oct 18, 2017

American-inspired legislation to legalize assisted suicide has advanced in the Australian state of Victoria, leading critics to worry that it... Read more

Could this bill put an end to Down syndrome abortions in Ohio?

Sep 26, 2017

By Adelaide Mena

An Ohio bill hopes to stop abortions undertaken solely because an unborn child has Down syndrome.    Read more

Religious freedom advocate: Female genital mutilation is unjustifiable

Aug 29, 2017

By Matt Hadro

While lawyers defending the practice of female genital mutilation claim that it is protected by religious freedom rights, one leading... Read more

Lit candle at the memorial for Orlando at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Rome.

Bishops across US condemn racism after white supremacist rally in Charlottesville

Aug 14, 2017

By Matt Hadro

With deadly violence following a rally of white supremacists this past weekend in Charlottesville, Va., bishops throughout the nation denounced... Read more

'Texting suicide' case could impact assisted suicide legislation

Jun 27, 2017

By Mary Farrow

A case about whether a troubled teenager convinced her depressed boyfriend to commit suicide through her words and text messages... Read more

Human Embryo, File Photo.

'Embryo jewelry' a sign we've taken the wrong path, IVF critic says

May 5, 2017

By Kevin J. Jones

For one critic, a report that IVF-conceived embryos are being cremated and turned into jewelry for their mothers shows the... Read more

These friends with Down syndrome are thriving in the Argentina pizza market

Mar 21, 2017

Mateo studied baking and Leandro pastry making. Franco and Mauricio wanted to be waiters. These overlapping interests led the four... Read more

Bionic eye (CC0 1.0).

Can we delete death? Transhumanism's lofty goal meets a Catholic response

Mar 9, 2017

By Adelaide Mena, Mary Farrow

It sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie – being able to “upload” our minds to computers to live... Read more

Conditions lamented as seven Argentine inmates die in fire

Mar 9, 2017

The deaths of seven inmates in a fire at a police station in Pergamino, Argentina has brought renewed criticisms of... Read more

DIY execution? Arizona’s 'bizarre' new death penalty policy

Feb 15, 2017

It’s an odd time for death in the United States.  Read more

St. Peter's Square.

Vatican meeting calls organ trafficking a crime against humanity

Feb 9, 2017

By Hannah Brockhaus

After a conference on organ trafficking at the Vatican Feb. 7-8, participants signed a statement agreeing to unite in fighting... Read more

Syrian children at a refugee camp.

Catholic leaders: Refugee ban actually harms national security

Feb 2, 2017

By Adelaide Mena

Rather than protecting U.S. interests, recent executive orders restricting immigrants and refugees could actually pose a threat to national security,... Read more

Jose Manuel Roas Trivino and Pablo Roas. Photo courtesy of Jose Manuel Roas Trivino.

The story of a father who runs marathons with his disabled son

Feb 2, 2017

Most fathers like to share their hobbies with their sons. But for José Manuel this proved a challenge – given... Read more

Assisted Suicide the Musical. Courtesy of Unity Theatre Liverpool.

In new musical, disability rights activist tackles assisted suicide

Nov 27, 2016

Physician-assisted suicide has been a subject of controversy for several years, but Liz Carr is taking the issue somewhere it... Read more

Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Archdiocese of Boston via Flickr CC BY ND 2.0.

Cardinal Dolan calls for new energy in fight against assisted suicide

Nov 23, 2016

As the push for physician-assisted suicide continues throughout the country, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York is asking the faithful... Read more

Fr. Frank Pavone.

Priest slammed for using dead baby as 'political prop'

Nov 7, 2016

Fr. Frank Pavone, head of the controversial pro-life group Priest for Life, came under fire Monday for a video of... Read more

Participants in the 2016 March for Life in Berlin.

March for life in Berlin draws thousands

Sep 17, 2016

More than 7,500 people took part in the annual March for Life in Berlin on Saturday, under the motto: “No... Read more