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Court urged to not impose marriage redefinition in Italy

Feb 18, 2014

The legal group Alliance Defending Freedom is asking the European Court of Human Rights not to impose a redefinition of... Read more

Archbishop Chaput at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception.

Archbishop asks prayers for marriage, World Meeting of Families

Feb 14, 2014

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia encouraged prayers for married couples and families on Valentine’s Day, also requesting prayers for... Read more

National Marriage Week recognizes foundations of society

Feb 13, 2014

By Adelaide Mena

Catholics across the U.S. are joining in a celebration of National Marriage Week to promote the sacrament and vocation upon... Read more

Pope Francis holds an audience with students from Jesuit-run schools in Italy and Albania in Paul VI Hall June 7, 2013.

Pope: Marriage cannot be based simply on emotional satisfaction

Feb 10, 2014

Speaking to the Polish bishops last week, Pope Francis encouraged a stronger understanding of marriage, accompanied by a merciful attitude... Read more

A defense of marriage rally gathered in the streets of Paris on March 24, 2013.

Bishop sees movement away from 'culture of death' in Europe

Jan 29, 2014

A series of recent pro-life and pro-marriage events show that Europe is reacting against the culture of death, said Bishop... Read more

Poll shows rise in belief that marriage is a religious institution

Jan 8, 2014

A new survey shows an increase in likely U.S. voters who see marriage as a religious institution, with a majority... Read more

“The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning” by Simcha Fisher.

Sinners, sex and NFP: My conversation with Simcha Fisher

Dec 10, 2013

“The Sinner's Guide to Natural Family Planning” has 95 percent five-star reviews on Despite its growing popularity and critical... Read more

Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

Cardinal Dolan: Church has been 'caricatured' as anti-gay

Dec 3, 2013

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York said he thinks the Catholic Church has been “out-marketed” in the public discussion... Read more

Croatians vote to protect marriage from redefinition

Dec 2, 2013

Croatian voters have approved an amendment to their country’s constitution that defines marriage as the union of a man and... Read more

Minnesota diocese to soon launch 'Year of Marriage'

Nov 29, 2013

In the wake of Minnesota legalizing same-sex marriage earlier in 2013, the Diocese of Crookston will begin a year dedicated... Read more

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco addresses the USCCB's Fall General Assembly in Baltimore on Nov. 11, 2013.

Archbishop highlights education to strengthen marriage

Nov 15, 2013

The U.S. bishops’ chairman on defense of marriage issues encouraged continued efforts to strengthen the institution of marriage, which is... Read more

Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Mueller

Vatican intervenes to clarify marriage teaching in Germany

Nov 14, 2013

The head of the Vatican’s doctrine office has written to the archbishop emeritus of Freiburg im Breisgau, reaffirming that Catholics... Read more

Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone takes part in a press conference at the USCCB's Fall General Assembly in Baltimore on Nov. 11, 2013.

Bishops extend initiative for life, marriage, religious liberty

Nov 12, 2013

The U.S. bishops have voted overwhelmingly to continue their “Call to Prayer” aimed at the promotion of life, marriage and... Read more

Pope Francis greets families of pilgrims Oct. 26 in St. Peter's Square.

Sacraments are not mere 'decorations,' insists Pope

Oct 26, 2013

Pope Francis met with families from around the world today in a celebration of the joy of family life, telling... Read more

Photo by George Hodan (CC0 1.0).

Catholics continue to have lowest divorce rates, report finds

Oct 1, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Recent studies on marriage show that while their rates of divorce are significant, U.S. Catholics are less likely to divorce... Read more

Hands Together by Vera Kratochvil.

Manhattan Declaration draws renewed commitment, prayers

Sep 26, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

Advocates of life, marriage and religious liberty united in New York on Wednesday to pray together and reaffirm their dedication... Read more

Hands Together by Vera Kratochvil.

Bishops voice support for marriage, religious freedom bill

Sep 23, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

American bishops have praised a recent bill in the House of Representatives that would protect those who share the Church’s... Read more

Argentine bishop: weak faith life has caused marriage crisis

Sep 5, 2013

Archbishop Andres Stanovnik of Corrientes has said Argentines need to return to living their faith, because a weak faith life... Read more

Critics say Joseph Bottum's marriage essay could confuse Catholics

Aug 28, 2013

Critics of a recent essay rejecting continued political opposition to “gay marriage” warn that the author risks confusing Catholics and... Read more

Joseph Bottum.

Joseph Bottum claims fidelity to Church stance on marriage

Aug 27, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Author Joseph Bottum says that while parts of his controversial article on Catholic responses to “gay marriage” may have been... Read more