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Joseph Bottum.

Joseph Bottum claims fidelity to Church stance on marriage

Aug 27, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Author Joseph Bottum says that while parts of his controversial article on Catholic responses to “gay marriage” may have been... Read more

Thomas Peters of Catholic Vote in May 2012.

Catholic blogger grateful for prayers following accident

Aug 9, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

A young Catholic blogger known for his defense of the faith in the public square is thankful for prayers and... Read more

Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I., archbishop of Chicago.

Illinois cardinal defends marriage, decision to defund campaign

Aug 1, 2013

Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago, Ill., is defending his decision to cease funding of an immigration organization after it... Read more

Thousands of pilgrims at a catechesis with Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley on July 26 in Vivo Rio center, Rio de Janeiro.

Cardinal O'Malley to youth: witness by building strong marriages

Jul 28, 2013

Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley of Boston encouraged thousands of pilgrims at a catechesis talk in Rio de Janeiro to choose... Read more

Father Chuck Gallagher. Courtesy of Diane and Dick Baumbach.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter mourns passing of founder

Jul 23, 2013

The priest who sparked the international expansion of faith-based marriage enrichment retreats, Fr. Chuck Gallagher, passed away July 21 at... Read more

Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

Penn. attorney general refuses to defend state marriage law

Jul 13, 2013

The attorney general of Pennsylvania has said she will not defend a state law defining marriage as a union of... Read more


DOMA decision cited to block Michigan law

Jul 6, 2013

A federal judge has blocked a Michigan law barring domestic partner benefits for public school and local government employees, citing... Read more

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone in Rome on June 28, 2013.

Marriage rulings pose obstacle to Church teaching, bishop says

Jul 3, 2013

The U.S. Supreme Court's recent decisions on gay marriage will make it harder for the Church to teach Americans about... Read more

Cardinal Camillo Ruini.

Ignoring human nature harms marriage, says cardinal

Jul 1, 2013

After the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act, an Italian cardinal said that recognizing gay... Read more


Costly weddings could be crippling for new marriages

Jun 15, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

Noting the sharply increasing costs of weddings, marriage advocates have begun to urge couples to be less extravagant in their... Read more


Democrat-leaning group lashes out at CCHD grant scrutiny

Jun 14, 2013

An influential Democrat-leaning communications strategy group has targeted critics of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, claiming it is “Catholic... Read more

Bishop Thomas Paprocki

State lacks authority to redefine marriage, says bishop

Jun 7, 2013

Bishop Thomas J. Paprocki of Springfield, Ill., explained that marriage is rooted in nature and exists prior to the state,... Read more

National Organization for Marriage tax documents.

Marriage advocates plan to sue IRS over leaks

May 17, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

The National Organization for Marriage is filing a lawsuit against the Internal Revenue Service, after its confidential tax return was... Read more


Vatican official urges renewal of spouses' life-long 'yes'

May 16, 2013

Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, said a cultural change is needed to recover the... Read more

Bishop Michael J. Sheridan of Colorado Springs (File Photo/CNA).

Marriage is critical for cultural evangelization, bishop stresses

May 10, 2013

By Adelaide Mena

The love of a married couple offers a crucial witness needed for evangelization in the modern world, said Bishop Michael... Read more

Archbishop Thomas Wenski preaches the homily at the annual Red Mass for the Miami Catholic Lawyers Guild.

Law must be based in truth, archbishop tells judges

Apr 25, 2013

Discussing the push for same-sex “marriage,” Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami told judges and lawyers at the city's 2013... Read more


Bishop laments 'gay marriage' approval in New Zealand

Apr 18, 2013

Archbishop John Dew of Wellington, president of the Bishops’ Conference of New Zealand, has expressed profound sadness over the authorization... Read more


Ecuador archdiocese to host prayer day for life and family

Apr 5, 2013

The Family Ministry Office of the Archdiocese of Quito has invited Catholics to take part in a day of prayer... Read more


French couple claims police violence at marriage march

Apr 4, 2013

A couple in France is reporting acts of violence by police officers against participants in a recent march to defend... Read more

Civil Rights Leaders march from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28, 1963. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration

Study shows African Americans reject civil, gay rights equation

Apr 4, 2013

A new survey of African Americans shows that most disagree with the claim that the effort to promote gay rights... Read more