Assisted Suicide

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CA assisted suicide law remains in legal limbo

Nov 29, 2018

A California court of appeals overturned Tuesday a lower court’s ruling that had put the state’s assisted suicide law in... Read more

Virginia Catholics praise dismissal of assisted suicide by state legislature

Nov 15, 2018

Virginia Catholics are praising the decision of a joint commission of the state legislature to take no action on a... Read more

Neutrality on assisted suicide is the wrong prescription, Catholic doctors say

Oct 19, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

The American Academy of Family Physicians has taken a neutral position on assisted suicide and will lobby the American Medical... Read more

Canadian bishops: Keep palliative care distinct from assisted suicide

Aug 11, 2018

In the age of legal assisted suicide and euthanasia, palliative care must remain as a distinct form of care that... Read more

Canadian man says he asked for home care, was offered assisted suicide

Aug 7, 2018

A Canadian man suffering from an incurable disease claims that despite asking for home care, the medical team at an... Read more

The March for Life in Washington, D.C., Jan. 27, 2017.

US bishops to honor three people with 'People of Life' award

Jul 28, 2018

More than 100 Catholics will attend the 2018 People of Life awards next week to honor three pro-life individuals for... Read more

Spanish Congress agrees to examine euthanasia bill

Jun 28, 2018

Spain’s lower house of parliament has agreed to consider a bill that would legalize euthanasia in the country.  Read more

As assisted suicide law is reinstated, critics say Californians 'deserve better'

Jun 19, 2018

A California judge has reinstated the state’s assisted suicide law, making it legal for terminally ill patients to end their... Read more

American Medical Association urged to keep stance against assisted suicide

Jun 13, 2018

By Kevin J. Jones

The American Medical Association voted this week to return to committee a report recommending continued opposition to physician assisted suicide... Read more

Portuguese Parliament votes against legalizing euthanasia

May 30, 2018

After heated debate, the Portuguese Parliament voted on Tuesday to reject multiple proposed laws that would legalize euthanasia in the... Read more

Stephanie Packer. Screenshot.

Judge rules California assisted suicide law was wrongfully rushed

May 16, 2018

California’s assisted suicide law was wrongly passed in a special legislative session, ruled a California judge this week.  Read more

Bishop Philip Egan of Portsmouth.

English bishop calls for 'new forms of witness' by the People of Life

Apr 16, 2018

Bishop Philip Egan of Portsmouth has encouraged Catholics, as the “people of life”, to be positive and confident in sharing... Read more

French bishops unite in declaration against assisted suicide

Mar 31, 2018

Amid a push to legalize physician-assisted suicide in parts of Europe, 118 French bishops signed a declaration this week promoting... Read more

Human dignity in the 21st century – Alaskan bishops release pastoral letter

Mar 1, 2018

The bishops of Alaska released a joint pastoral letter this month, highlighting the meaning, origin, and implications of human dignity... Read more

Vancouver archbishop critiques euthanasia provision in hospice care

Feb 26, 2018

Palliative care and hospice units are known for their life-affirming service to individuals who are facing the end of their... Read more

Indiana latest state to consider assisted suicide

Jan 9, 2018

By Christine Rousselle

A bill to legalize assisted suicide in Indiana has come under fire by Catholic and pro-life groups shortly after it... Read more

Lady Justice atop the Old Bailey in London.

English judge applauds man who stole drugs, killed suicidal father

Nov 21, 2017

An English chemist charged with murder for the 2015 killing of his 85-year-old father, who wished to die, was freed... Read more

Prescription bottle.

Assisted suicide legislation advances in Australia's Victoria state

Oct 18, 2017

American-inspired legislation to legalize assisted suicide has advanced in the Australian state of Victoria, leading critics to worry that it... Read more

JJ Hanson. Screenshot of Patients Rights Action Fund video.

Three years later, this terminally ill man is glad he rejected assisted suicide

Oct 4, 2017

Three years ago, J.J. Hanson received a diagnosis that no one wants to hear. He had terminal brain cancer, and... Read more

Euthanasia movement is weaker than it seems, expert says

Sep 27, 2017

By Elise Harris

A leading opponent of assisted suicide says that while the movement supporting euthanasia seems strong, the reality is that, at... Read more