Assisted Suicide

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Lady Justice atop the Old Bailey in London.

English judge applauds man who stole drugs, killed suicidal father

Nov 21, 2017

An English chemist charged with murder for the 2015 killing of his 85-year-old father, who wished to die, was freed... Read more

Prescription bottle.

Assisted suicide legislation advances in Australia's Victoria state

Oct 18, 2017

American-inspired legislation to legalize assisted suicide has advanced in the Australian state of Victoria, leading critics to worry that it... Read more

JJ Hanson. Screenshot of Patients Rights Action Fund video.

Three years later, this terminally ill man is glad he rejected assisted suicide

Oct 4, 2017

Three years ago, J.J. Hanson received a diagnosis that no one wants to hear. He had terminal brain cancer, and... Read more

Euthanasia movement is weaker than it seems, expert says

Sep 27, 2017

By Elise Harris

A leading opponent of assisted suicide says that while the movement supporting euthanasia seems strong, the reality is that, at... Read more

Assisted suicide for mental health issues? A Catholic response

Aug 5, 2017

With awareness of mental health conditions on the rise, how is the Church called to respond to those who do... Read more

Christian leaders unite to oppose assisted suicide in Australia

Aug 2, 2017

Catholics and Christian leaders from several denominations have joined forces in the Australian state of Victoria to decry a bill... Read more

'Texting suicide' case could impact assisted suicide legislation

Jun 27, 2017

By Mary Farrow

A case about whether a troubled teenager convinced her depressed boyfriend to commit suicide through her words and text messages... Read more

Insurance denied her chemo treatment. But it covered drugs for suicide.

Jun 6, 2017

Stephanie Packer cherishes every moment with her husband and four children. Living with a terminal illness in Orange, California, her... Read more

Australian bishops: Assisted suicide is the opposite of health care

Apr 24, 2017

Proposals to legalize euthanasia in the Australian state of Victoria are based on “misplaced compassion,” the local bishops said.    Read more

Judge Neil Gorsuch listens during his Supreme Court confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, March 20, 2017.

Gorsuch made an important distinction when asked about assisted suicide

Mar 22, 2017

By Matt Hadro

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch made a crucial ethical distinction in his response to questions about doctor-prescribed suicide during his... Read more

How assisted suicide discriminates against the poor and disabled

Feb 28, 2017

By Matt Hadro

While physician-assisted suicide is promoted as empowering terminally-ill patients, it could result in the poor being coerced to take their... Read more

U.S. Capitol.

The clock is ticking on repeal of DC assisted suicide bill

Feb 15, 2017

By Matt Hadro

A repeal of Washington, D.C.'s physician-assisted suicide law moved through the U.S. House on Monday, but is in a race... Read more

An Oregon bill could allow mentally ill patients to be starved

Feb 13, 2017

An Oregon bill on advanced medical directive rules could allow patients who suffer from dementia or mental illness to be... Read more

Supreme Court nominee authored a book on assisted suicide

Feb 3, 2017

By Matt Hadro

President Donald Trump’s nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court wrote a book on “the future of assisted suicide” in 2006... Read more

This 81-year-old woman got a 'Don’t Euthanize Me' tattoo

Dec 31, 2016

An 81-year-old walking into a tattoo shop may sound like the start of a joke, but to Christine Nagel, her... Read more

South Africa says assisted suicide will remain illegal

Dec 9, 2016

While countries around the world such as Canada, Germany and Japan have passed legislation to legalize physician assisted suicide, one... Read more

Doctors warn Australian state against legalizing euthanasia

Dec 8, 2016

The government of the Australian state of Victoria is looking to legalize euthanasia in 2017, but physicians have warned of... Read more

Assisted Suicide the Musical. Courtesy of Unity Theatre Liverpool.

In new musical, disability rights activist tackles assisted suicide

Nov 27, 2016

Physician-assisted suicide has been a subject of controversy for several years, but Liz Carr is taking the issue somewhere it... Read more

Cardinal Timothy Dolan. Archdiocese of Boston via Flickr CC BY ND 2.0.

Cardinal Dolan calls for new energy in fight against assisted suicide

Nov 23, 2016

As the push for physician-assisted suicide continues throughout the country, Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York is asking the faithful... Read more


In Canada, assisted suicide could also kill Catholic healthcare

Nov 8, 2016

Only months after the Canadian Parliament approved legal assisted suicide, Catholic hospitals, palliative care centers and individual doctors have been... Read more