Latest Catholic News


Decision on Papal trip to Austria expected by end of March

Mar 1, 2004

The Kathpress News Angency is reporting that by the end of March the Vatican will make a decision concerning a... Read more


Musical composer for ‘The Passion’ faced personal ‘battle with Satan’

Mar 1, 2004

Writing the musical score for “The Passion of the Christ” was the most difficult assignment of his life, said Hollywood... Read more


Catholic charity publishes children’s Bible in Nepali

Mar 1, 2004

The children’s Bible, entitled “God speaks to His Children”, is in Nepali – the official language of the Kingdom of... Read more


Cardinal Errazuriz underscores contribution of Pope John Paul II to reconciliation in Latin America

Mar 1, 2004

In an article published by the Fides News Agency, the president of the Latin America Bishops Conference (CELAM), Cardinal Francisco... Read more


Mexican Cardinal says cross and its glorious meaning essential to Christianity

Mar 1, 2004

The Archbishop of Mexico, Cardinal Norberto Rivera, said this weekend that Christianity should not be stripped of the cross, of... Read more


John Paul II to youth: Only Jesus gives full meaning to your life

Feb 29, 2004

In his Message for the 19th World Youth Day, published today, Pope John Paul II reminds young people that “only... Read more


Denver bishops release number of sexual-abuse cases, commit to zero tolerance

Feb 29, 2004

Two days before the release of the national survey on sexual abuse of minors by clergy in the U.S. Church,... Read more


“Passion” a box-office smash, Gibson considering making another film about faith

Feb 29, 2004

Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” has become a box-office smash in the United States, bringing in 117.5 million... Read more


Lent a time for solidarity with children, Pope says

Feb 29, 2004

Pope John Paul II called on Catholics to transform Lent into a “a generous match of solidarity towards” the children. Read more


Pope encourages diplomacy and humanitarian aid for Haiti

Feb 29, 2004

Pope John Paul II called the international community to work on behalf of Haiti, shortly after former President Jean Bertrand... Read more


Gibson rejects notion that “The Passion of the Christ” is the gospel according to Mel

Feb 29, 2004

Gibson said he wished to tell the story of the Passion without pretense so that everyone might understand that Jesus... Read more


Holy Father asks prayers for indigenous populations and Africa

Feb 29, 2004

The Holy See announced Pope John Paul II’s general prayer intention for March, which is devoted to indigenous populations. Read more


Alabama Episcopalians reject homosexual bishop

Feb 29, 2004

Six months after the ordination of their denomination’s first openly homosexual bishop, Alabama Episcopalians have voted for a resolution to... Read more


Harvard to launch embryonic stem-cell research center

Feb 29, 2004

Harvard University will launch the largest privately funded embryonic stem-cell research project to date, reported the Boston Sunday Globe.  Read more


Mexican bishops reiterate immorality of assisted reproduction

Feb 29, 2004

The president of the Mexican Bishops Conference, Bishop José Rábago, warned this weekend that the Catholic Church rejects assisted reproduction... Read more


Christian values not politics bond Europe, the Pope says

Feb 26, 2004

Pope John Paul II said today that it is not economic or political interests, or alliances of convenience, that forge... Read more


John Paul II mourns President of Macedonia

Feb 26, 2004

The Holy Father sent a telegram of condolence to the authorities of Macedonia upon the death of Boris Trajkovski, President... Read more


Pope calls on Bosnia-Herzegovina to resolve problems of local populations

Feb 26, 2004

Pope John Paul II called on Bosnians this morning to take up “the path of peace and justice,” and create... Read more


Anglican chancellor and scholar to retire, convert to Catholicism

Feb 26, 2004

Canon Edward Norman, the chancellor of York Minster Cathedral and a leading Anglican scholar, has announced that he is converting... Read more


Harvard law professor says same-sex marriage not about civil rights, but special preference

Feb 26, 2004

A Catholic Harvard University law professor says all U.S. citizens should welcome President George W. Bush’s endorsement of a constitutional... Read more