Latest Catholic News


Pope Urges Bishops in New Evangelization Efforts

Oct 22, 2003

Pope John Paul II commended the bishops of England and Wales today on their pastoral initiatives and their efforts in... Read more


Pope Entrusts Cardinals to Mary

Oct 22, 2003

Pope John Paul II entrusted the 31 cardinals and their ministry to Mother Mary today. The Pope held a private... Read more


Catholics in Iraq Celebrate 25th Anniversary of John Paul II’s Pontificate

Oct 22, 2003

With prayer and thanksgiving the Catholic Church in Iraq celebrated with joy the 25th Anniversary of John Paul II’s pontificate. ... Read more


Pope John Paul II Declared “Living Patrimony” of Dominican Republic

Oct 22, 2003

The Senate of the Dominican Republic has sent a resolution to the country’s Papal Nuncio, which declares John Paul II... Read more


Spanish Bishops Calls for Consensus among Political Candidates for Protection of the Family

Oct 22, 2003

The Spanish Bishops Conference has called on politicians who are preparing for the coming general elections to work for the... Read more

Pro-Life Activist Says Attempts To Change Abortion Laws Come From Foreign Interests

Oct 21, 2003

A Catholic pro-life worker cried foul yesterday about a recent BBC report on a pro-choice organization and their efforts to... Read more


Church In Mexico To Ask Congress To Outlaw Cloning

Oct 21, 2003

The director of Ministry for the Sick of the Archdiocese of Mexico City, Father Jorge Palencia, announced he will petition... Read more


Colombian Priest Convinces 38 Guerilla Fighters To Lay Down Their Arms

Oct 21, 2003

A group of 38 guerilla fighters surrounded by the Colombian Military in Cupica Bay requested mediation from a representative of... Read more


British Catholics Announce Boycott Of BBC

Oct 21, 2003

A new pressure group in London called Catholics Unplug Your Television (CUT) is urging the faithful switch off their sets... Read more


Pope tells Cardinals to "Take Courage"

Oct 21, 2003

Take courage and trust in the promise of Christ. This was the message Pope John Paul II conveyed to his... Read more


Cardinals assure John Paul he can rely on them

Oct 21, 2003

In an homage paid to Pope John Paul II, the newly appointed cardinals told the Pope that he can rely... Read more


Pope to 31 New Cardinals: I Count on your Collaboration

Oct 20, 2003

Pope John Paul II told the Church's new cardinals that he counts on them for their faithful collaboration and their... Read more


Young People Bring Beatification Of Teresa Of Calcutta To The "Poorest Of The Poor"

Oct 20, 2003

A group of young people from the Don Bosco Oratories in Calcutta are bringing the images of Mother Teresa's Beatification... Read more


Parents Of Dying Florida Woman Pray To Mother Teresa For Miracle

Oct 20, 2003

The parents of Terri Schiavo, the Florida woman being starved to death under court order at the request of her... Read more


Suspect In Murder Of Columbian Priest Captured By Police

Oct 20, 2003

As part of what is being called "Operation Coffee," Columbian police officers detained a militia group that cooperates with the... Read more


Catholic And Evangelical Leaders Propose Marriage Week In Canada

Oct 20, 2003

The Ontario Conference of Catholic Bishops has joined other Evangelical and Catholic groups in proclaiming Feb. 8-15 national marriage week.... Read more


Irish Government Pulls Funding From Sex-Abuse Counselling Service

Oct 20, 2003

The Irish government refused to give an abuse-survivors group further funding this week after deciding that its projected costs were... Read more


Pope Urges Pilgrims To Preserve Mother Teresa’s Charism

Oct 19, 2003

Mother Teresa’s entire existence was a "hymn to life" that reminds us that being Christian means being witnesses of charity,... Read more


Woman’s Cure is Witness to Mother Teresa’s Healing Power

Oct 19, 2003

The woman whose illness was cured through the intercession of Mother Teresa said she is the instrument God chose to... Read more


India Celebrates Mother Teresa

Oct 19, 2003

All of the church bells in Calcutta rang yesterday afternoon to announce and celebrate the beatification of their beloved and... Read more