Assisted Suicide

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National Assembly of Quebec.

Life is not ours to end, Canadians say against suicide bill

Jun 27, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

The Quebec National Assembly on Thursday passed legislation creating a right to assisted suicide in some circumstances, drawing criticism from... Read more

Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury preaches in Shrewsbury Cathedral March 9, 2014. Photo courtesy of the Diocese of Shrewsbury.

English bishop: assisted suicide bill threatens vulnerable

Apr 22, 2014

Catholic Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury, England, has warned that a British proposal to legalize assisted suicide would change “long-established... Read more

Church in New Mexico criticizes assisted suicide ruling

Jan 24, 2014

By Kevin J. Jones

A New Mexico judge was wrong to rule that there is a “right” to doctor-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients,... Read more

Belgium's House of Parliament.

Belgium considers legalizing euthanasia for minors

Dec 30, 2013

Despite religious opposition, the Belgian Senate voted Dec. 13 in favor of a bill which would expand legal euthanasia to... Read more


Quebec euthanasia bill blasted for enshrining 'power to kill'

Jun 17, 2013

A Quebec bill to allow lethal drug prescriptions for patients in pain would give doctors “the power to kill” and... Read more

Assisted suicide corrupts medicine, Vermont diocese warns

May 15, 2013

The Vermont legislature passed a bill allowing physicians to approve lethal drugs for terminally ill patients to kill themselves, a... Read more

Ethicist lauds Ireland's ruling against assisted suicide

May 8, 2013

By Carl Bunderson

The finding of the Irish Supreme Court that citizens have no right to assisted suicide is being welcomed by an... Read more