Regina Caeli

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"We reflect with gratitude on all mothers, and let us also pray for mothers who have gone to heaven. We entrust mothers to the protection of Mary, our heavenly mother," said Pope Francis on May 12, 2024.

Pope Francis on Mother’s Day: Let us pray also for mothers in heaven

May 12, 2024

By Courtney Mares

On Mother’s Day, Pope Francis entrusted all mothers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, asking everyone to remember to also pray... Read more

Pilgrims gather in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican for Pope Francis’ Regina Caeli prayer and address on Sunday, May 5, 2024.

Armed priest arrested as he tried to enter the Vatican for Pope Francis’ Regina Caeli

May 6, 2024

By Walter Sánchez Silva

According to the Italian news agency ANSA, the priest tried to pass through the metal detector carrying an air pistol,... Read more

Pope Francis greets the crowd gathered at St. Peter's Square on May 5, 2024.

Pope Francis: Let us thank the Lord for our friends

May 5, 2024

By Courtney Mares

The pope reflected on the gift of friendship during his Regina Caeli address on May 5. Read more

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square on April 21, 2024, at the Vatican.

Pope Francis: Christ the Good Shepherd ‘looks for us until he finds us’ when we’re lost

Apr 21, 2024

By Matthew Santucci

Pope Francis on Sunday urged the faithful to remember that “for Christ, I am important, irreplaceable, worth the infinite price... Read more

Pope Francis addresses pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican after the recitation of the Regina Caeli prayer on April 14, 2024.

Pope Francis: Sharing our encounter with Christ makes our encounters ‘even more beautiful’

Apr 14, 2024

By Matthew Santucci

Pope Francis expressed his concern over escalating tensions in the Middle East following Iran’s missile attack Saturday against Israel. Read more

Pope Francis delivers the Regina Caeli address on Monday, Apr. 1, 2024

Pope Francis: The resurrection of Jesus changes our lives completely and forever

Apr 1, 2024

By Courtney Mares

“Brothers, sisters, the joy of the Resurrection is not something far away. It is very close; it is ours because... Read more

Christ's Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection.

Why the Catholic Church celebrates Easter Monday under the title ‘Monday of the Angel’

Apr 1, 2024

By ACI Prensa

In many countries in Europe and South America, this day, also known as “Little Easter,” is a national holiday. Read more

Pope Francis delivers the Regina Caeli address from the window of the Apostolic Palace on May 28, 2023.

Pope Francis encourages Marian shrines around the world to pray for Synod on Synodality

May 28, 2023

By Courtney Mares

From the Philippines to Portugal, Marian shrines around the world will participate in a special day of prayer this Wednesday... Read more

Pope Francis delivers his Regina Caeli address on May 21, 2023.

Pope Francis: ‘We must not get used to war!’

May 21, 2023

By Courtney Mares

The pope also prayed for peace in Sudan, where fighting between the country’s military and a coalition of paramilitary forces... Read more

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the recitation of the Regina Caeli on May 7, 2023.

Pope Francis: Jesus calls us to set our sights on heaven

May 7, 2023

By Rachel Thomas

Pope Francis on Sunday warned against the danger of living life without a sense of purpose or a destination to... Read more

Pope Francis prayed the Regina Caeli in St. Peter's Square on April 23, 2023.

Pope Francis: ‘Tell Jesus everything’

Apr 23, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

“Today’s Gospel invites us to tell Jesus everything,” Pope Francis said during his Regina Caeli address. Read more

Pope Francis delivered an address before praying the Regina Caeli on Divine Mercy Sunday April 16, 2023.

Pope Francis: Jesus is found in the community of the Catholic Church

Apr 16, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

“Without the community, it is difficult to find Jesus,” Pope Francis said in his Regina Caeli message. Read more

Pope Francis delivered a brief message before reciting the Regina Caeli prayer on Easter Monday, April 10, 2023.

Pope Francis: Share the good news of Christ’s resurrection with others

Apr 10, 2023

By Hannah Brockhaus

Jesus “is not only good news, nor even the best news of life, no, he is life itself,” Pope Francis... Read more

Pope Francis delivers the Regina Coeli address in St. Peter's Square, May 29, 2022.

Pope Francis on the Ascension: Christ 'does not want to limit our freedom' by his presence

May 29, 2022

By Jonah McKeown

Reflecting on the feast of the Ascension, Pope Francis on Sunday discussed the two acts that Christ performed immediately before... Read more

Pope Francis greets a crowd of an estimated 25,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square in Rome for his Regina Caeli address on May 22, 2022.

Pope Francis: Ask the Lord for the gift of peace

May 22, 2022

By Joe Bukuras

An estimated 25,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square in Rome on Sunday to hear Pope Francis' Regina Caeli reflections... Read more

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Regina Caeli on May 8, 2022.

Mother’s Day: Pope Francis sends moms ‘Our prayer, affection, best wishes’

May 8, 2022

By Katie Yoder

In his Regina Caeli address, Pope Francis asked the faithful to celebrate their mothers in a special way on Sunday,... Read more


Christians with 'empty nets' must return to Jesus, Pope Francis says

May 1, 2022

By CNA Staff

"Brothers, sisters, when our nets are empty in life, it is not the time to feel sorry for ourselves, to... Read more

The aftermath of the Russian occupation of Bucha, Ukraine.

Marking two months of war, Pope Francis says 'the attack must be stopped'

Apr 24, 2022

By CNA Staff

Pope Francis on Sunday renewed his call for a truce in Ukraine, saying "the attack must be stopped." Read more

Pope Francis gives his Regina Caeli reflections on Divine Mercy Sunday, April 24, 2022.

Pope Francis: 'The Lord is not looking for perfect Christians'

Apr 24, 2022

By Shannon Mullen

Jesus’ merciful words to a doubting St. Thomas reminds us that the Lord does not expect us to be “perfect... Read more

Pope Francis led the “Regina Caeli" on Monday, April 18, 2022, at St. Peter's Square.

Pope Francis: ‘Come out of the tomb of fear’

Apr 18, 2022

By Joe Bukuras

Fear is like a tomb that can “bury us,” Pope Francis said Monday, but the Risen Lord’s words to the... Read more