Cuba protests

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Father Alberto Reyes has emerged as a critical voice against the extreme poverty and repressive actions of Cuba's police state.

Cuba’s government shuts down priest’s peaceful protest

May 22, 2024

By Eduardo Berdejo

Father Alberto Reyes held a peaceful protest over the situation in the country by ringing the bells of his parish... Read more

People queue to buy food in Havana on March 27, 2024. Claims of lack of food coupled with long blackouts, which affected almost the entire Cuban population in recent weeks, led hundreds of people to demonstrate on March 17 in at least four cities in the country, in the largest protests recorded since the historic anti-government marches of July 11, 2021.

Catholic Church in Cuba offers to facilitate dialogue between government and opposition

Apr 20, 2024

By Eduardo Berdejo

In an interview with NBC News, the priest referred to protests that once again shook the country, this time in... Read more

Father Alberto Reyes has emerged as a critical voice against the extreme poverty and repressive actions of Cuba's police state, having himself experienced both and seen them in the lives of his fellow Cubans.

Cuban priest: ‘Communism won’t survive’ and ‘the Church will remain’

Mar 13, 2024

By Andrés Henríquez

In an interview with EWTN Noticias, Cuban priest Father Alberto Reyes spoke about his apostolic ministry in Camagüey province. Read more

The bishops of Cuba meet with the government April 26, 2023.

Cuban bishops present vision for country in meeting with communist government

May 1, 2023

By Eduardo Berdejo

The bishops presented to the communist government “their criteria and vision regarding the reality that the Cuban people are experiencing.” Read more

Citizen protests against the Cuban regime in Nuevitas, Camagüey, August 2022.

Cuba threatens citizens to keep them from joining demonstrations

Oct 21, 2022

By Eduardo Berdejo

Eduardo Cardet, coordinator of the Christian Liberation Movement, charged that the residents of Velasco, a town in the Cuban province... Read more

Citizen protests against the Cuban regime in Nuevitas, Camagüey, August 2022.

Religious stand in solidarity with those arrested during repression of protests in Cuba

Aug 30, 2022

By CNA Staff

The Cuban Conference of Religious Men and Women posted a message of solidarity with the hundreds of citizens persecuted or... Read more

A man waves a Cuban flag during a demonstration against the government of Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Havana, July 11, 2021.

Archbishop asks Virgin Mary to intercede for release of jailed Cubans

Jul 20, 2022

By CNA Staff

Archbishop Dionisio García of Santiago de Cuba asked the Virgin Mary to move the hearts of those who can determine... Read more

Cubans in Havana protest in the streets and cry for freedom on July 11, 2021.

Priest says worst poverty in Cuba is ‘lack of freedom’

Jul 18, 2022

By CNA Staff

In a recent interview with Aid to the Church in Need, Father Bladimir Navarro of Spain discussed the dire situation... Read more


Bishops of Puerto Rico express their solidarity with Cuban bishops’ 'desire for freedom'

Nov 28, 2021

By ACI Prensa

The Puerto Rican Bishops’ Conference expressed its solidarity with the desire of the Cuban bishops “to be heard, for peace,... Read more

The Cuban flag.

Cuban religious report detainees held without trial after protests

Aug 4, 2021

By Diego López Marina

The board of directors of the Cuban Conference of Men and Women Religious reported Tuesday that following the July 11... Read more

Protests in Havana, July 11, 2021.

Cuban priest decries summary trials of protesters without a defense lawyer

Aug 3, 2021

By Diego López Marina

Participants in last month’s protests of Cuba’s communist government are facing summary trials without adequate legal aid, a Jesuit priest... Read more

July 11, 2021: Cubans protest in Havana

CRS warns of ‘hunger pandemic’ afflicting the elderly in Cuba

Jul 26, 2021

By Diego López Marina

The director of the Hispanic Development Unit of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Ana Gloria Rivas-Vásquez, called for Catholics around the... Read more

A statue of Our Lady of Charity of Cobre, patroness of Cuba.

Archbishop prays to Our Lady of Charity for youth arrested amid Cuba protests

Jul 20, 2021

By Harumi Suzuki

During Mass on Sunday the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba prayed to Our Lady of Charity for the release of... Read more

Seminarian Rafael Cruz Dévora

Cuba protests: Seminarian released by police

Jul 17, 2021

By ACI Prensa

Rafael Cruz Dévora, a seminarian who was arrested on Monday after participating in protests of Cuba’s communist government, was released... Read more

In midst of unprecedented protests in Cuba, Christian Movement calls for free elections

Jul 11, 2021

By Alejandro Bermudez

On Sunday, July 11th, the Christian Liberation Movement (MCL) called on Cubans to continue to pressure Cuban communist authorities to... Read more