Bishop Rolando José Álvarez

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Bishop Rolando Álvarez in Rome.

Nicaragua lashes out at Vatican after EWTN interview with Bishop Rolando Álvarez

Feb 10, 2025

By Walter Sánchez Silva

The Nicaraguan government has lashed out at the Vatican following an interview Bishop Rolando Álvarez gave last week to the... Read more

“I am not exiled, I am liberated. I do not feel exiled, but liberated,” emphasized Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez during an exclusive interview with EWTN in February 2025.

Bishop Álvarez: ‘I always believed in my liberation and what sustained me was prayer’

Feb 7, 2025

By Paola Arriaza Flynn

In an exclusive interview, persecuted Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez shares with EWTN News his experience one year after his release... Read more

The Metropolitan Cathedral Santiago Apóstol and the National Palace in Managua, Nicaragua.

‘Night of terror’ in Nicaragua: Dictatorship forces cloistered nuns to leave monasteries

Jan 30, 2025

By Walter Sánchez Silva

The dictatorship’s order reportedly was carried out on the night of Jan. 28, forcing some 30 cloistered nuns belonging to... Read more

Seminarians at St. Aloysius Gonzaga in 2022.

Nicaraguan dictatorship confiscates seminary in Matagalpa

Jan 22, 2025

By Walter Sánchez Silva

According to a Nicaraguan news outlet, at the time of the confiscation there were at least 30 students in formation... Read more

Exiled Bishop Rolando Álvarez speaks at a Mass in Seville, Spain, on Dec. 19, 2024.

Bishop Álvarez celebrates public Mass for Nicaragua

Dec 20, 2024

By Walter Sánchez Silva

In his first public Mass, celebrated in Seville province, Spain, Bishop Rolando Álvarez prayed for his “beloved Nicaragua.” Read more

Pope Francis speaks to the academic community at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome on Nov. 5, 2024.

Pope Francis at Gregorian University warns of ‘Coca-Cola spirituality’

Speaking at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, the pope told faculty and students to avoid superficial approaches to faith... Read more

Bishop Rolando Álvarez.

Who is Rolando Álvarez, the bishop persecuted by the Nicaraguan dictatorship?

Oct 3, 2024

By Eduardo Berdejo

Bishop Rolando Álvarez Lagos is once again in the news after Pope Francis appointed him to participate in the second... Read more

One priest and seven deacons were ordained July 20 in the Matagalpa cathedral by the president of the Nicaraguan Bishops’ Conference.

First ordinations take place in Nicaraguan diocese since exile of Bishop Álvarez

Jul 22, 2024

By Walter Sánchez Silva

One priest and seven deacons were ordained July 20 by the president of the Nicaraguan Bishops’ Conference in the Matagalpa... Read more

Daniel Ortega.

Despite persecution, ‘the Church is still alive in Nicaragua,’ priest says

Jan 30, 2024

By Almudena Martínez-Bordiú

Despite being persecuted by Daniel Ortega’s regime for years, “the Church is still alive in Nicaragua,” a priest from the... Read more

A doctor carries out a medical examination of Bishop Rolando Álvarez  on Jan. 2, 2024.

Dictatorship in Nicaragua posts photos of Bishop Álvarez after U.S. calls for his release

Jan 3, 2024

By Diego López Marina

The dictatorship on Jan. 2 released recent images of the Bishop Rolando Álvarez shortly after the United States government demanded... Read more

Cathedral of Managua, Nicaragua.

UPDATE: 4 priests arrested in 2 days by Nicaraguan dictatorship

Dec 29, 2023

By Andrés Henríquez

“We can denote this last year as the year with the most attacks against the Catholic Church in the recent... Read more

Pope Francis and Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida.

Sen. Marco Rubio asks Pope Francis to call for release of bishop imprisoned in Nicaragua

Dec 15, 2023

By Tyler Arnold

In a Dec. 13 letter to Pope Francis, Rubio asked the pontiff to intercede on behalf of the 57-year-old bishop... Read more

Bishop Rolando Álvarez of Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

Witnesses testify to torture by Nicaraguan dictatorship at hearing on imprisoned Catholic bishop 

Dec 1, 2023

By Peter Pinedo

Among the witnesses testifying at the hearing titled “An Urgent Appeal to Let Bishop Álvarez Go” were several Nicaraguan exiles.  Read more

Some photographs of Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez disseminated by the dictatorship of Nicaragua in November 2023.

Nicaraguan dictatorship releases new photos, video of imprisoned Bishop Álvarez

Nov 30, 2023

By Walter Sánchez Silva

In response to demands for proof that Bishop Rolando Álvarez is still alive, Nicaraguan officials released new images of the... Read more


Eight priests under house arrest in Nicaragua reportedly transferred to El Chipote prison

Oct 17, 2023

By Diego López Marina

The independent Nicaraguan media La Prensa, El Confidencial confirmed the transfer through sources close to the Nicaraguan Bishops’ Conference. Read more

Father Yesner Cipriano Pineda Meneses (left) and Father Ramón Esteban Angulo Reyes (right), were arrested in Nicaragua the weekend of Oct. 7-8, 2023.

Two more priests arrested by Ortega dictatorship in Nicaragua

Oct 10, 2023

By Diego López Marina

The arrest of two more Catholic priests in Nicaragua brings the total to six priests arrested in just eight days... Read more

Bishop Rolando Álvarez of Matalgalpa, Nicaragua.

Imprisoned Nicaraguan bishop nominated for European Parliament human rights award

Sep 25, 2023

By Diego López Marina

The European Parliament announced the nominees for the 2023 Sakharov Prize, which honors persons and organizations who defend human rights... Read more


Legal group pleads for imprisoned Bishop Álvarez's rights before human rights commission

Sep 15, 2023

By Jonah McKeown

Nicaraguan Bishop Rolando Álvarez is serving a prison sentence under the regime of President Daniel Ortega for criticizing the dictatorship. Read more

Nicaraguan opposition peasant leader Medardo Mairena speaks during a press conference at the Permanent Commission of Human Rights (CPDH) in Managua on Aug. 14, 2019.

Nicaraguan ‘campesino’ leader who refused to falsely accuse bishops shares his testimony

Sep 7, 2023

By Walter Sánchez Silva

Medardo Mairena Sequeira said Daniel Ortega “has become entrenched in power and anyone who makes waves ... can immediately be... Read more

Bishop Rolando Álvarez of Matagalpa, Nicaragua.

6 things you should know about the persecution of the Catholic Church in Nicaragua

Aug 27, 2023

By Eduardo Berdejo

The Ortega dictatorship has not hesitated to expel nuns, shut down Catholic media outlets, take over ecclesiastical institutions and buildings,... Read more