Human dignity

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We March with Selma event.

The nuns who witnessed the life and death of Martin Luther King Jr.

Jan 20, 2025

By Kevin J. Jones

Sister Mary Antona Ebo was the only Black Catholic nun who marched with civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.... Read more

In a statement published Jan. 3, 2025, Bishop Sithembele Sipuka of South Africa’s Mthatha Diocese weighed in on the situation of the illegal miners who have been trapped in a mine in South Africa’s North West Province since November.

Illegal workers stuck in South African mine should be handled ‘with dignity,’ bishop says

Jan 7, 2025

By Silas Isenjia

The illegal miners stuck in a mine in South Africa’s North West Province are human beings whose dignity should be... Read more

Pope Francis receives Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the Vatican, Nov. 27, 2024.

U.S. Secretary Blinken meets Pope Francis: Vatican talks address Middle East and Ukraine

Nov 27, 2024

By AC Wimmer

The State Department said discussions between Blinken and the pope focused on ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine... Read more

Pope Francis addresses the crowd gathered in St. Peter's Square for his Angelus address on Aug. 25, 2024.

Pope Francis: Human dignity must be ‘common commitment’ of all Christian churches

Aug 28, 2024

By Kristina Millare

This year’s symposium is titled “What Is Man? In the Time of Anthropological Mutation” and is taking place in Trani,... Read more

Bullfighting, which has existed since 711 A.D., is being denounced and labeled as animal cruelty by Father Terry Martin, a Catholic priest in England and an outspoken advocate for the welfare of animals. Last year Martin sent a joint letter with priests from Canada and France to Pope Francis calling on the pope to condemn the “torture and violent slaughter of innocent bulls.”

Priest partners with PETA to condemn bullfighting, calls on Pope Francis to denounce it

Jul 24, 2024

By Gigi Duncan

Father Terry Martin, who serves the Parish of Worthing and Lancing in West Sussex, England, has called on Pope Francis... Read more

Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery on the Doctrine of the Faith, speaks during a press conference about a new Vatican document on human dignity on April 8, 2024.

New Vatican document highlights Church’s ‘ever-greater understanding of human dignity’

Apr 8, 2024

By Matthew Santucci

Dignity “belongs to the person… simply because he or she exists and is willed, created, and loved by God,” the... Read more


Cuban priest: Dignity comes from God, not the government

Dec 1, 2022

By CNA Staff

Father Alberto Reyes, a priest in Cuba, recently shared a reflection on Facebook about human dignity as experienced in his... Read more


‘To dust you shall return,’ but human composting? California bishops raise objections

Sep 20, 2022

By Jonah McKeown

When a body is composted, it is placed in a reusable container where microbes and bacteria decompose it into soil... Read more

The Court of Appeal is based at the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

English courts to reconsider life support for Archie Battersbee, severely brain-injured boy

Jun 29, 2022

By Kevin J. Jones

England’s High Court must hold another hearing to determine whether ending the life support of a severely injured 12-year-old boy,... Read more

Pope Francis shared a free lunch with nearly 1,500 poor people invited to dine at the Vatican for the 3rd annual World Day of the Poor on Nov. 17, 2019

Pope Francis wants us to do this when we give to the poor

Mar 26, 2022

By Hannah Brockhaus

“When you give alms, do you touch the hand of the person asking, do you look them in the eyes?”... Read more

Pope Francis meets with members of Leaders Pour la Paix at the Vatican on Sept. 4, 2021.

Pope Francis: Promote a culture that prioritizes human dignity

Sep 4, 2021

By Courtney Mares

“It is important to promote a ‘culture of faces,’ which places the dignity of the person at the center," Pope... Read more

Credit: sfam_photo/Shutterstock.

Spanish youth launch prayer campaign ahead of euthanasia law taking effect

Jun 16, 2021

By Blanca Ruiz

A group of young Catholics have launched "1 Week for Life", a campaign of prayer and fasting for the end... Read more

Pope Francis greets a child in St. Peter's Square during the general audience on April 20, 2016. Daniel Ibanez/CNA

Pope Francis, Jane Goodall speak on ‘what it means to be human’ at Vatican health conference

May 8, 2021

By Courtney Mares

Pope Francis and Jane Goodall both offered perspectives on “what it means to be human” on the final day of... Read more

Tennessee state capitol.

Bill requiring burial or cremation of aborted babies advances in Tennessee

Apr 8, 2021

A bill on the burial of the bodies of aborted fetuses advanced through the Tennessee Senate and House earlier this... Read more

Spain passes euthanasia, assisted suicide law

Mar 18, 2021

Spain’s legislature passed a law Thursday to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide. Catholic leaders have decried the measure as “a... Read more

Tasmania poised to legalize euthanasia, assisted suicide

Mar 5, 2021

The Australian island of Tasmania is expected to become the third Australian state to legalize assisted suicide and euthanasia, after... Read more


Spanish parliament advances legal euthanasia, despite Catholic opposition

Dec 18, 2020

Spain’s parliament has advanced a euthanasia and assisted suicide bill that Catholic leaders had decried as “a defeat for all”... Read more

The Ohio capitol in Columbus.

Ohio legislature passes bill to require burial or cremation of aborted babies

Dec 7, 2020

By Jonah McKeown

The legislature of Ohio has passed a bill that would require the bodies of babies killed in surgical abortions to... Read more

Euthanasia no sign of progress, Spain's Bioethics Committee says

Oct 13, 2020

The Bioethics Committee of Spain has unanimously rejected the underlying principles behind the euthanasia and assisted suicide bill that is... Read more

Catholic bishops in Queensland aim to educate on sanctity of life

Oct 6, 2020

The bishops of the five dioceses in Australia's Queensland state have written a pastoral letter urging that euthanasia and assisted... Read more