Europe News

The Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, was appointed Pontifical Commissioner in the case.

Excommunication looms for renegade group of Poor Clares in Spain 

Jun 10, 2024

By Nicolás de Cárdenas

The Ecclesiastical Court of the Archbishopric of Burgos, Spain, has formally accused the Poor Clare nuns of the Monastery of... Read more

Three attacks against the Rome headquarters of the Italian pro-life center Pro Vita & Famiglia have taken place in the last month alone.

Italian pro-life association suffers spate of attacks against its headquarters

Jun 10, 2024

By Almudena Martínez-Bordiú

The Rome-based pro-life organization Pro Vita & Famiglia has been the target of multiple acts of vandalism. Read more

Cardinals Christoph Schönborn and Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

Cardinals Müller and Schönborn: Ordination of women is impossible

Jun 10, 2024

By AC Wimmer

The two German-speaking cardinals have said publicly that only men can be ordained to the priesthood. Read more

Pope Francis gazes over the ancient ruins of the Roman Forum with Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri during a visit to Rome’s historic Capitoline Hill on June 10, 2024.

Pope Francis reflects on Roman Empire in visit to ancient Capitoline Hill

Jun 10, 2024

By Courtney Mares

The pope made the trip to the Capitoline Hill to speak to local government officials on June 10 in the... Read more

Bishop Rob Mutsaerts, auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of ’s-Hertogenbosch, in the Netherlands.

Dutch bishop: Fiducia Supplicans too much ‘in tune with zeitgeist’

Jun 7, 2024

By AC Wimmer

Auxiliary Bishop Rob Mutsaerts of the Netherlands warned: “Peace at the expense of morality and truth” is a “most merciless... Read more

Edinburgh city center, Scotland.

Bishops in Scotland react to new data showing majority of Scots have ‘no religion’

Jun 7, 2024

By Madeleine Teahan

Catholic bishops in Scotland have said that new data indicating that the majority of Scots have no religion comes as... Read more

Bishop Mariano Crociata meets with Pope Francis on March 23, 2023.

Bishop exhorts Catholics to ‘build a better Europe’ in EU elections on Sunday

In his exhortation, Bishop Mariano Crociata called on voters to exercise their obligation as citizens “responsibly, choosing candidates and parties.” Read more

Bishop Mark Davies of Shrewsbury, England.

UK Catholic bishop urges Catholics to consider end-of-life issues before general election

Jun 7, 2024

By Madeleine Teahan

Bishop Mark Davies of the Shrewsbury Diocese has issued a letter urging Catholics to consider candidates’ positions on euthanasia and... Read more

People cast their ballot in a polling station on June 6, 2024, in The Hague, Netherlands. Voters in 27 European Union countries go to the polls over the next four days to elect members of the European Parliament.

Catholic group urges European Parliament to address ‘demographic winter,’ protect children

Jun 7, 2024

By Kate Quiñones

As this weekend’s elections kick off across EU member states, the policy toolkit “invites incoming parliamentarians to prioritize families in... Read more


Opus Dei updates outreach to young people with new website: ‘Youth’

Jun 7, 2024

By Nicolás de Cárdenas

The new website offers testimonies on social initiatives, podcasts with prayer resources, and infographics on Catholic doctrine. Read more

The 10th successor of St. Don Bosco to the Salesians, Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, along with young people from the Salesians. |

Salesian Youth Synod to discern their future and that of the Church

Jun 6, 2024

By Abel Camasca

The Salesian News Agency (ANS) announced in an article that the event will begin Aug. 11 and will conclude on... Read more

Bishop Jacques Habert of the Diocese of Bayeux and Lisieux in France greets Britain’s Princess Anne (right) on June 5, 2024, as she arrives to attend the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s annual service of remembrance at Bayeux Cathedral in Bayeux, Normandy, northwestern France, as part of the events to mark the 80th anniversary commemorations of Allied amphibious landing (D-Day landings) in France in 1944.

On D-Day anniversary, Pope Francis prays for men who start and prolong wars

Jun 6, 2024

By Hannah Brockhaus

“People want peace!” the pope wrote in a June 5 message. “They want conditions of stability, security, and prosperity in... Read more

There are 159 sculptures adorning the monstrance used in the annual Corpus Christi procession in Valencia, Spain, including biblical scenes from the Old Testament up to the Good Shepherd and the risen Christ. The apostles and doctors of the Church adorn the host and Eucharistic miracles are depicted. Saints particularly devoted to the Eucharist are part of the multitude of adorers, as is Pope Pius X, known as the "pope of the Eucharist" since he encouraged frequent reception of the sacrament and lowered the age for first Communion. June 2, 2024.

World’s biggest monstrance created in reparation for Spanish war leads yearly procession

Jun 4, 2024

By Rachel Thomas

The monstrance used in the annual Corpus Christi procession in Valencia, Spain, was created as an act of reparation for... Read more


Netherlands permits euthanasia for physically healthy 29-year-old woman

Jun 4, 2024

By AC Wimmer

Despite being physically healthy, the woman from Oldenzaal, a town near the German border, chose to end her life due... Read more

One of 100 ancient churches identified for preservation by France's Patrimony Foundation, this church is in Cachen, located within the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of southwestern France.

Rescue of more historic Catholic sites in France gets underway

Jun 4, 2024

By Solène Tadié

The danger that has been threatening France’s religious heritage for decades is becoming a matter of concern to the authorities... Read more

German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier delivers a speech during the opening ceremony of the103rd German Catholic Convention on May 29, 2024, in Erfurt, Germany.

German president laments Church’s diminished role at ‘Catholics Day’

May 30, 2024

By AC Wimmer

Both Pope Francis and the German president addressed participants at the national Catholic event underway this week. Read more

Bishop Dominicus Meier OSB.

Benedictine Bishop Dominicus Meier replaces Bode in Osnabrück Diocese in Germany

May 30, 2024

By AC Wimmer

The Diocese of Osnabrück in northwestern Germany will be led by a Benedictine monk and bishop: Dominicus Meier will follow... Read more

A painting by Italian master Caravaggio titled “Ecce Homo” is pictured at the Prado museum in Madrid, Spain, on May 27, 2024.

Lost masterpiece of Christ now on display: ‘One of the greatest discoveries in the history of art’

May 28, 2024

By Peter Pinedo

The lost painting by Caravaggio was recently rediscovered and is now on display at the Museo del Prado in Madrid,... Read more

The tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis in Assisi, Italy.

Carlo Acutis: What did he die of and where is he buried?

May 28, 2024

By Diego López Marina

The news of the upcoming canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis has people wanting to know about the circumstances of his... Read more

Rajesh Mohur pictured with Carlo Acutis on the day of his confirmation.

From Hinduism to Catholicism: How Blessed Carlo Acutis inspired a man to convert

May 27, 2024

By Courtney Mares

The son of a Brahman Hindu priest became a Catholic through young Carlo Acutis’ joyful witness to the Eucharist and... Read more